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"I-I wait i dont understand all of this.. you are part of a cat? Me and taehyun knew eachother when we were younger but got separated-"

Soobin snapped his fingers "why don't you just see it for yourself?" He smirked and snapped again. The room changed. He was in a field of purple flowers. He turned around and saw the younger version of taehyun.

The two slowly walked towards eachother. "Hello I'm your assigned partner, nice to meet you" he bowed. "A-ah what are you-" young beomgyu hugged taehyun. The two knew nothing about eachother.

They were total strangers assigned as partners since birth. In this universe if you get assigned a partner you'll get separated once you're five years old and will have to find eachother and remember who they once were.

"I'll protect you forever taehyun don't worry! I won't forget you!" Taehyun smiled with tears forming in his eyes. He'd been lucky to have beomgyu. This was the start of a bond no one could brake.


"Look look its them!" "Wow they look like true soulmates" "they look so cute together~!" The two boys held hands while walking down the hallway. Assigned partners were so rare so many of the others adored taehyun and beomgyu.

The two headed outside and sat on a bench that had shade from the sun. Beomgyu looked at taehyun "Taehyun... what's a soulmate?" He asked still holding his hand. Taehyun smiled "its the definition of us~"

"So we're c-cute together..?" The younger giggled "of course"


"Beomgyu beomgyu! I got you a rose!" Beomgyu looked at him with sparkles in his eyes "f-for me? But why so sudden heh" he took the rose and smiled shyly. "Its because I love you! I love you so much it makes my heart ache"

He suddenly hugged beomgyu "I love you too hyunie~"


"Beomgyu.. we're almost five so t-that means we'll be separated soon.." taehyun put his hands on the youngers shoulder "dont worry hyunie! I'll remember you, I'll find you and continue to keep loving you. Let's not let this bring us down okie?" Taehyun nodded

"I wuv you beomgyu.. I always will" beomgyu smiled "I'll always love you too hyunie"


"This will be a good spot. See? Now no one could bother us" they sat down in the middle of the forest surrounded by trees and nature "yup! And no mean lady could separate us~"

The two boys laughed and held hands. "You'll stay with me forever right?" The blonde haired boy smiled "You know I will~" the other held out his pinky "promise?" "I promise" the two smiled.

"But.. we're now five.. something out of nowhere would separate us.." the two looked down worried. They were way too young to be feeling so anxious. "W-we'll just have to be prepared for any-" they heard a twig crack.

The two looked back fast. They were so deep into the forest they were sure no one would follow them all the way over here. "H-hyunie.." the two squeezed eachothers hand in fear.

They heard a growl that echoed. Only it didn't seem far away. Then appeared a giant cat like figure with different eye colors. "Beomie run!" The two sprinted off right away.

That sudden thing that could separate them was now there chasing them. It caught them so off guard so the two didn't even think about why they were being chased.


The two boys were panting. They looked at eachother with wide eyes "w-we were in love..?" "P-partners..?" Soobin smiled "and you both forgot.. how unfortunate"

"I'M SORRY HYUNIE" beomgyu suddenly hugged taehyun "I forgot I forgot.. but in a way I always had that feeling of you but I didnt know-" taehyun kissed beomgyu's cheek.

"Its okay gyu.. its okay" the two looked at eachother with their hearts beating really fast. Taehyun acted very fast. He didn't think about how he'd feel after kissing him. Beomgyu touched the spot where taehyun kissed.

He smiled with his cheeks turning a shade of red. Soobin cleared his throat. The two awkwardly turned to him. "You will now have a certain time limit to recreate that bond you had years ago. For now things in both of your worlds will start changing. Good luck"


A/n : I hope ur doing well ^^ this was a short chapter but I have something planned for yall on Christmas which is in 2 days. It'll be a gift from me to you so be prepared ♡

𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 || taegyuWhere stories live. Discover now