496 38 8

[ tw// murder, suicide ]
Oh sweeties.. you're in for a ride. Bring a snack and some tissues.. maybe even a stuffie

"Fall asleep fall asleep fall sleep it isn't real it isn't real.. FUCK" taehyun yelled over and over hitting his head on the pillow. Yeonjun wasn't home, but the blonde haired boy didn't seem to care right now. He was practically shaking.

Afraid of what he saw, afriad of the argument the two boys shared. He hid under the covers and eventually fell asleep.

Taehyun woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Yeonjunnn..." he called out half asleep. He looked around and realized he wasn't there. He got up and searched around the house like a lost puppy only to find nothing. The boy opened the front door and stood there speechless.

Every building around him had collapsed. The sky was a mix of purple and grey. Smoke from near by fires rose to the sky. It truly looked like an apocalypse. He quickly grabbed his coat and went out. Taehyun checked every where, but found no one. Not one person in sight. Not even their remains.

He wandered and wandered and saw four shadows up on a high rock. The blonde walked closer and saw the backs of the people he knew, but realized they looked different. "S-soobin..? Whats going on? Why are you..?"

The older turned around and smiled. "Oh taehyun~ what have you done" he looked down and taehyuns feet. Confused the blonde looked down and saw the boy who he loved. The boy who boy who he cherished deeply. The boy who he made a so called promise with. Laid there unconscious on the floor covered in his own blood.

There he saw his hands covered in the same blood. His breathing became unstable and his heart beat began to ascend. "B-beomgyu..? Gyu g-get up... g-gyu-" "he can't hear you," Soobin interrupted, "can't you see? You killed him."

The world felt as if it had stopped. The boy felt his temperature drop. With his wide open eyes he screamed in fear. He was confused, scared, and angry. How did this happen? Why was soobin smiling at all of this? Questions and questions kept stirring up inside his chest and eventually led him to falling down on his knees.

The older laughed and clapped his hands. "Wow wow wow~ Look at this~ our taehyunie is scared~" he squatted down next to the younger. "Lets see how each of them died~" he said giggling. "D-died..?" Taehyun asked.

Soobin dramatically nodded his head "uh huh uh huh~! Yeonjun, kai, and your beloved beomgyu~ All dead dead dead!" The two shadows turned around now facing taehyun and soobin. Yeonjun and huening kai stood there unfazed like zombies.

Soobin giggled and covered taehyuns eyes "let's see~" In a flash taehyun no longer saw beomgyu or that scary place. He saw yeonjun. It was like he was watching a memory.


"What the hell.." yeonjun breathed out. He looked at the world he used to know, now showed fire and chaos. He walked around and noticed there was no one around. Building remains and ash covered the floor.

He walked further and saw a particular tall male wandering around with a lost expression. The pink haired boy smiled in relief and ran towards him. "Binnie! Omg you're okay!" He hugged the younger. "I was worried you were gone too."

The younger smiled "I'm okay I'm okay" Soobin took a deep breath in "you know I love you so much.." Yeonjun giggled "I know you do, and I love you too.. so much" they kept hugging not letting eachother go. "But... I'm sorry" "for what-" Soobin suddenly stabbed yeonjun in the stomach.

The olders eyes widened as blood came out of his mouth. "I-Im sorry.." he said stabbing him once more with tears coming out. Yeonjun fell to the floor with the blood spilling out of control. "I love you.." he stabbed again. "I-I always will.." Yeonjuns tears came out without making a noise.

And just like that, the death of yeonjun was revealed.


"What are you doing here..?" The younger asked, "I came to see you huening~ why aren't you happy to see me?" Kai looked down at the floor as tears began to fall down his face. "Shouldn't you be out with your boyfriend?" He kept his head down.

"Does it make you happy playing with my emotions?" He rolled up his sleeve to reveal the cuts on his arm. "Like the idiot I am I thought I had a chance.. turns out I didn't. So look at what you've done.." The older sighed and squatted down to where the younger can see him.

Huening kai found it odd that soobin's face remained blank and imitating. "Why are you sad about it? I can have two boyfriends~" he said whispering the last part. The younger looked away disgusted. "Fuck off.."

Soobin grabbed huening kai's chin and looked at him. "Okay okay I will~ I guess my boyfriend is better.. ha.. well i guess your only option is to kill yourself" The older stood up and started walking away "No one is stopping you" Soobin smirked and walked away.

Huening kai began to struggle breathing. He ran to the restroom and splashed water on his face feeling dizzy. "Kill yourself..?" He laughed at himself and suddenly punched the mirror. It cracked and left him bleeding. He screamed out of anger and ruffled his hair.

"Why can't you just love me? Why cant you just love me?? Why cant you just fucking love me???!" He got up and quickly took the rope out of the drawer. "I hate you i hate you I hate you" he chanted as he tied the rope around his neck. "I hate that I still love you.." were his last words. He hanged there swaying with the wind as tears rolled down his cheek.

While soobin stood there unfazed.


"You fucking-" Taehyun yelled out and pushed soobin to the ground. Soobin laughed "interesting right? Their lives just suddenly disappeared! All thanks to me~" Taehyun punched soobin over and over, but the older still laid there laughing.

"Huening kai didn't deserve that! He was in pain why the hell-" "he asked for it. I said he could be my second boyfriend but he didn't want to. That was his choice~" he smirked. "And what about yeonjun?! Didnt you love him?!" The olders expression changed into a sadden one.

"Dont talk about-" Suddenly the elders eye turned green. "He deserved it.. everyone should die-" Taehyun quickly picked up soobin by the collar and held him near the edge of the cliff. Breathing out heavily he cursed under his breath.

"Hmm?? Hyunie is gonna commit muder now?? Haha yay~ hehe we can both become psychopaths toge-" Without any warning. Without any hesitation, he pushed soobin off the cliff and watched as he the elder continued to fall into darkness.


A/n : okay okay quick check up. That was crazy i know I was even surprised i wrote that.. let's all take a deep breath :< whew okay.. ㅠㅠ if you ever go through huening's situation I'm always here if you need someone to rant to. Please don't ever think like how I wrote him. Please know you are loved and are extremely important to the world. Now, the next chapter will be the last one! Ik ik its coming to an end :'(( I promise it won't end off bad like this but it'll.. be interesting ,-, sooo stay tuned~
P.s I finished this chapter at like 3 am- lord pray for my bad sleep schedule 😔

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