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The two boys laughed and held hands. "You'll stay with me forever right?" The blonde haired boy smiled "You know I will~" the other held out his pinky "promise?" "I promise"



"Beomgyu! Let's play let's play~" beomgyu chuckled "let's play later hyuka, I wanna go to the garden first" he smiled. "Okie I'll see you later then~"

He walked off to the flower garden. This part of town was always empty and darker, but these flowers never seemed to die. It never rained, everything was just so bright and happy.

Beomgyu had often get this feeling that he's forgetting something, but everything was right here. He shook the feeling off and picked the purple flowers.

He always came to pick flowers every Wednesday to make a wish. He'd pull out two petals. The first petal he said the things he's grateful for the second petal was the wish. "I-i wish to meet someone different from everyone here."

He then burned the petals and left. An hour later after helping his mom make bread, he went to go play with kai. The two were running in the forest and kai was running way too fast "hyuka wait up!" His running got slower and slower.

He then tripped over a branch and knocked out. The sky got darker and mist started to appear. He layed there unconscious with a cut on his head.


"Beomgyu I love you!" The brown haired boy looked up and blushed "y-you what?"   Taehyun laughed "I love you, I love you with all my heart choi beomgyu! hehe"

"I-I love you too kang taehyun!"

"Taehyun.." he mumbled. He slowly opened his eyes and realized where he was. "Ugh kai I told you, you were going to fast.." he put his hand on his cut and saw that he was bleeding.

Before he could get up he heard a voice call out his name. "H-hello?" He looked around and saw nobody. The voice sounded soothing and sounded like it was from a guy.

He'd never heard anyone with a voice like that. So he decided to follow it. The voice suddenly said "remember his face" beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows. "R-remember what face..?"

He turned around and everything got dark. There was no light around him except from where he's standing. Suddenly a hand touched his shoulder. His eyes got huge and he screamed.

"CALM DOWN DUDE-" Beomgyu quickly turned around "YOU SCARED ME" The other laughed "sorry i didn't mean to. Its just that you kinda appeared and we're here alone"

"I guess so.. wait were you that voice?" Taehyun tilted his head "voice..? You heard one too??" Beomgyu slowly nodded. "I ran away to the forest and suddenly a voice called me and now I'm here"

"Same b-but you ran away?" Taehyun scratched the back of his neck "er long story but yeah.." the two awkwardly stared at eachother and then looked away. "I-Im beomgyu" he held out his hand "Oh I'm taehyun" he smiled and shook his hand.

Taehyun..? "Your name sounds oddly familiar" taehyun opened his mouth "really? Yours does too.. thats weird" he shrugged and pulled out a cigarette "want some?" Beomgyu gasped.

"You smoke?! You know how bad that is for your health??!" He raised his voice, clearly concerned. "Its not like anyone wants me alive. I make everything worse and cause problems. So its not like I'm concerned about it"

Beomgyu looked down "o-oh.. I'm sorry" taehyun chuckled "you're fine its not like I care" he patted beomgyu's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

"You know.. I've never met someone so down like you. Its nice to finally meet someone different" he looks down and made a small smile. "I've never met anyone like you either."

The two stared at eachother curious of this feeling that they are feeling. "By the way... did you see the three doors?" Beomgyu quickly looked behind him "clearly not.." he gulped.

"They been there? This whole time??" Taehyun nodded. The two stood there staring at them for another twenty seconds. They had this eerie feeling just by looking at it.

"I'm guessing thats the way out" beomgyu turned to taehyun "before anything happens i just wanna say.. You've been appearing in my dreams, but only you were younger.."

"What-" just then two eyes glowed in the dark. This big cat like figure with different colored eyes stood infront of the boys. "T-taehyun you see that t-too right..?" "Y-yeah" he said with his voice shaking.

The two slowly turned to eachother and couldn't see the other. "Beomgyu??" He looked around scared. "T-taehyun..? Not again.." beomgyu started tearing up "p-please I dont wanna be alone.." he started panicking and looked up once more.

"What are you afraid of?" The voice said. The two quickly picked a door and ran away. Back to the world they were once in.


Beomgyu opened his eyes and saw the forest. He was back on the floor where he was before.

"Was this all a dream..?"

𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 || taegyuWhere stories live. Discover now