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The cold air touched upon the blonde's tears. Out of breath, he turned his head towards his deceased lover on the ground. "I'm s-sorry.." he took one last breath and jumped into the abyss. Everything turned dark and cold.

Time felt as if it had froze. If every story ended with a happy ending.. where was theirs? Where was their second chance? To fix everything. To undo all of their wrong doings. Why can't time go back?

"Taehyun.." "hm..?" "Taehyun~" the blonde groaned "where.. are you.." He squinted in the dark, his eyes still adjusting. "Are you gonna stay dead or what?"

Startled, taehyun quickly sat up. "What happened?" He looked down at the familiar animal. "Ugh it's you" the blonde haired boy said rolling his eyes. The cat stretched its back, "Hmm that's your reaction? You killed a guy and then killed yourself and thats the first thing you say?"

Taehyun scratched the back of his neck "so that wasn't a dr- okay first off how the fuck are you talking?" The cat ignored him and walked to the three doors. "Can't talk now huh?" He snickered.

"Soobin.. hm, it was nice controlling him" the cat spat out clearly trying to get under the taller's skin. "What?" "He didn't do it. I did. I killed all your friends. I did it through him and soobin ended up getting the front row seat~"

Taehyun stopped breathing for a second. Guilt filled his chest. Soobin was an innocent person who loved, smiled, and took care of them. He did nothing wrong. His love was poisoned by that evil thing. Whatever that thing was, it was definitely not just a cat. There was darkness in its soul.

This wasn't life anymore. Time simply did not exist here. To the cat this was just a game of chess, and it sure was winning. Beomgyu was still dead and taehyun hated that. Beomgyu was a part of him. Their hearts that were attached by a string, was now cut in half by life and death.

If taehyun died why is he here? Where is beomgyu? Was he just on a string  controlled by the grim reaper? Questions flooded the blonde's mind. He suddenly remembered a certain object he kept in his pocket.

He touched it secretly while looking at the cat. "You're still sitting there? Mm you're really feeling emotional now aw how cute" taehyun rolled his eyes and stood up.  "Why don't y-" without any hesitation the blonde stabbed the cat and dropped the knife.

He quickly ran up to the the three doors, but this time he went to the door in the middle. The door fused with black and white, crow and flower. He was not sure what this would do or what it will change, but without any further thought he took a deep breath and walked through.

•°࿐ ࿔

The five boys walked the path that led to eachother. Faces covered with paper bags on their heads while their tiny bare feet touched the cold cement. Time had somehow reversed, but this time it had changed. It was different.

Younger taehyun was confused, but happy that they were all back. Followed by the boys giggles, they all linked their hands and made a promise. A promise that they would keep for eternity. "We'll remember eachother no matter what. Even if we get separated we'll find a way back" "and we'll walk the path back to the star" "pinkys out!" They all held their hands out "promise!"

And just like that the star of the promise was created once again.


"Taehyunie did you get the camera?" He dark haired boy shouted. "I got it!" The younger ran up towards him smiling widely. His bare feet burned on the hot sand, but he didn't seem to care. He hugged beomgyu tightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Waa~ Look at you so handsome in your beach outfit~" beomgyu said giggling, "it's just a random shirt and shorts" he laughed.

The two continued to hug and stare into eachothers eyes under the scorching hot sun until they suddenly felt water being splashed on them. They turned around to a playful huening kai with a wide smile on his face "That totally wasn't me," the youngest said with a guilty expression.

"Aish hueningie what did we say about lying hmm?" Soobin said smiling at him. He was currently sitting on the floor building a sand castle with yeonjun. "That it's bad and makes me bad," the younger said pouting. Soobin motioned huening kai to his lap with a smile on his face. Taehyun quickly pulled out his camera to record them.

Huening kai sat on soobins lap pouting like a big baby. Soobin giggled and kissed his forehead "Its okay hyuka~" he smiled. Yeonjun grabbed huening kai's hand and kissed it "you did nothing wrong baby don't listen to binnie," huening kai nodded while blushing.

"You got that on camera right?" Beomgyu whispered in taehyuns ear "oh I definitely did," the two giggled happily. The five boys spent the summer at the beach making so many unforgettable happy moments. It was truly their summer. Everything felt right.

There was no cat or doors to interfere with their lives. Every bitter memory was replaced by sweet memories. Taehyun still remembered the past, but the others didn't seem to remember. Yeonjun, soobin, and kai ended up becoming a poly relationship while beomgyu remained as taehyuns beloved soulmate.

Taehyun knew that he had to take care of the four boys. He didn't want time to repeat itself like in their past life. This time he had to make things right, no matter the cost. The sun started to set and taegyu walked around the beach calmly. "Hey gyu..?" Beomgyu turned his head "yeah?"

"Whatever happens in the future. Whatever we go through... will you always stay by my side..?"
"That was so sudden ehehe. Reminds me of our old promise.." Gyu held out his pinky smiling widely "i promise" the two of their pinkys intertwined earning a giggle from the both.

The five of them headed back to their house spending the night together. They drifted off to sleep with sweet thoughts lingering in their heads. Until their 'dream' began. The five of them stood in darkness confused and scared. Two different colored eyes lit up while the familiar figure walked towards them. Taehyun struggled to breathe.

What he thought he got rid of stood right before his eyes. The others memories came back startling them. The laughter from the small familiar figure filled the room. "Miss me?"


Andddd..... we're finished! The book has finally came to an end. I'm so happy yet a bit sad too ㅜㅜ It was truly fun writing this and coming up with the plot and dialogue late at night ^^ btw..
I finished this at 2:52 am- yeah uh bad sleep schedule ;-;
I wanna thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting. It's been quite a ride ehe. I really wanted to end this book with a twist that leaves you thinking what's going to happen but you actually never find out. So that's what I did~ I have more ideas for ffs so since I finished this I'll be writing more! I hope you have a good day/night I love you dearly <3 bye for now ><

𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 || taegyuWhere stories live. Discover now