Crush - JJ Maybank

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Pairing: JJ Maybank x Male! Reader
Warnings: none?
Fandom: Outer Banks

SUMMARY: You're JJ's first male crush.

JJ sighed, taking a swing of his beer as he approached the beach with surfboard in hand. He needed some time alone to surf. He noticed someone surfing already, taking advantage of the wild waves. JJ watched them surf, a bit mesmerized at how graceful they seemed. He licked his lips, running a rush hand through his hair. The person got to shore, picking up their surfboard.

"Hey!" JJ called out to the male. He looked over, approaching him. Upon seeing him up close, JJ took in his soft glistening (S/C) skin, wet hair, and curious (E/C) eyes. He recognized him as (Y/N) (L/N), a senior at his school who had taken a job as a lifeguard. He had been at the party where JJ had shot off two rounds into the air. JJ mentally cringed. It either made him look pyscho or made him look like a badass. He hoped it was the latter. His train of thought paused. Why did he care? He only had those thoughts around girls.

"Hey.. JJ, right?" (Y/N) stuck out his hand. JJ felt blood rushing to his cheeks, nodding as he shook his hand.

"The one and only." JJ grinned.

"Yeah.. You're quite infamous." (Y/N) shot him a grin in return. JJ swallowed, nodding.

"Is that good or bad?" JJ asked, tilting his head. (Y/N) chuckled. "Both."

"Up for some surfing?" JJ asked. (Y/N) shrugged.

"If you're up for it, buttercup." (Y/N) replied, winking and heading back to the water. JJ. felt excitement bubble up inside. He was definitely flirting. Two could play at that game.

Credits: bumblesimagines on tumblr

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