Coming Out - Stanley Uris

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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Male! Reader
Warnings: cursing
Fandom: IT

SUMMARY: reader comes out to the group, inspiring Stanley to confess his feelings

"I'm gay."

Some of the Losers' mouthes gaped open in shock, while others just stared at you. It was silent, and you fidgeted uncomfortably underneath their gazes. You'd hoped that they would accept you for how you were, but now that you'd actually said it out loud you didn't know what to think.

"I fucking knew it!" Richie shouted suddenly, elbowing Eddie. "You owe me an ice cream cone."

Beverly and Stan both glared at Richie, causing the boy's grin to die down.

"It's okay, uh, if you guys don't want to be friends anymore. I understand. Theres no shame in taking a step back -away from me, I mean" you said, glancing around at them before staring at your hands that were fidgeting in your lap."

"Y/N, duh-don't be st-stupid. You're our f-friend, we love you for who yuh-you are," Bill said, to which you looked up with wide eyes.

"Really?" You asked, looking in between all of your friends. They all nodded quickly, some saying,"Yeah!"

"Don't be dumb, dude," Richie scoffed, but you knew he meant well. "We wouldn't stop being your friend just because of who you're attracted to." You smiled, tears brimming in your eyes out of relief and happiness,"I love you guys."

They crowded you and gave you a group hug, all muttering about how they loved you. As they moved away, Stan cleared his throat. "Uh, Y/N, can I talk to you? In private, I mean?" You nodded quickly, standing up and walking a bit further off from the group with him.

"Look, before you say anything, I get it. It's against your religion, and-"

"I'm gay too," Stanley cut you off. "A-and, I think I like you."

You looked at him in shock,"Oh, well that's not what I was expecting at all." He chuckled quietly, his fingers tapping his leg anxiously,"So, now what?"

You thought about it, before holding out your hands,"Grab my hands." He did, you both blushed. "Can I kiss you?" You asked, leaning closer to him. He answered by shyly pressing his lips against yours, giving you a kiss that lasted no more than two seconds. But it was all either of you needed to know that you did like each other, and that you would be okay.

credits: imultifandomstuff on tumblr

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