Inane Insecurities *

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A/N - This chapter involves Josh, Sabrina and Olivia but none of it is real or accurately reflects these people or their lives. This is a fictional story based on real people but they are only characters in my story. No hate or shade to any of these people in real life! Please do not make comments shipping people or hating on them especially in real life / on social media. These are their lives and they don't owe us anything. This story is purely for me to write, be creative, share and express my feelings in a way that is not harmful to anyone!!!

Overview: Olivia gets insecure about her relationship with Josh but he's there to reassure her

Olivia had been scrolling through her own instagram for the past 15 minutes or so and it was not doing her any good. She loved her job and wouldn't trade it for the world but the profession did tend to come with some not so nice aspects. For her, one of those aspects had been the abundance of gossip, rumours and hate online. 

Of course she had quickly learned to have thick skin in the industry, it was part of the job. She wouldn't let a couple internet trolls get to her but then again, after hearing something over and over, you start to believe it's true. That was the case for her and the comments she was reading over and over. 

Why is she so clingy and desperate lol

She acts so cringy around him 

Sabrina and Josh are way better together

She's so annoying

Olivia is literally getting in the way of Josh and Sab

I feel so bad for Josh haha

Olivia and Josh are probably only friends for publicity of the show

Josh and her are obviously not dating, Sabrina is wayyy prettier

She hadn't realized she teared up a little until the small droplet splashed onto her phone screen. She quickly wiped her eyes and closed the app, taking a deep breath as she did so. These people online, they didn't know her or Josh and they didn't know anything about their friendship, so then why was she starting to believe the things they were saying? 

She did have a crush on Josh but she'd never told him and she didn't plan on doing so. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin their friendship which meant so much to her. She thought he felt the same way, not about the crush of course, about their friendship but nowadays, she couldn't help but question if the things those people said were true. Maybe he only thought of her as a petulant child he had to put up with for the sake of their show. 

She knew about Josh and Sabrina's friendship, she'd even met the girl a few times and she seemed like a genuinely nice person. It was easy to see why Josh liked her so much, she was drop dead gorgeous, she was kind and she was crazy talented. As far as she knew, they were just friends but then again, maybe she didn't really know Josh all that well. 

She could practically hear her mind screaming at her to stop when she decided to scroll through Sabrina's instagram. She looked flawless in all her photos, even the casual ones. Her voice sounded perfect every time she opened her mouth to sing. She had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, the body of a model and a beautiful smile. Not to mention she was older, Olivia couldn't compete with any of that, not like there was any competition to begin with. Sabrina was Josh's stunning and talented friend and she was just an embarrassment, a clingy coworker. They were right, she was just getting in the way. 

So she started pulling away.


It started off small. She stopped grabbing her daily coffee with him between morning takes, not wanting to bother him. She wouldn't FaceTime him as much, too worried that she was being clingy or annoying. The whole cast would hangout together or go out to grab food and she'd sit as far away from him as possible, engaging her other friends in conversation instead. She wasn't really doing it on purpose so to speak, maybe she was subconsciously but deep down she just couldn't get those comments out of her head. She found herself doubting and question herself much more often these days. 

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