Moving Mischief ^

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Overview: Olivia and Josh move in together as a couple for filming in Salt Lake City : Requested by raisin___

It had been almost six months now and she was finally moving back to Salt Lake to begin filming for season three of the show. They've had the interviews, performances and press junkets in between, but their truly was nothing like getting to spend her days on set with her friends and their free nights hanging out together on the town. Of course, their was also the added bonus this year of finally being 18 which meant she was going to be living on her own, well not exactly.

There had been almost constant debate in her household for months now but she had finally managed to swing her parents around to her side. She was an adult now, she could take care of herself and make her own choices. Her parents had been all for her getting her own apartment this year because as much as they loved their daughter, it was hard spending almost half a year apart for them. For their first two seasons of filming, her dad had stayed behind in California because his work didn't allow him to travel whereas her mom had lived with her in Utah, working out of their apartment. So yes, her living on her own would make things a lot easier on them but when she'd first brought up the suggestion of her living with Josh they hadn't been as keen.

Both of them had met Josh numerous times seeing as they had been costars for two years running, best friends for about the same and dating for around a year and a half. Her parent's loved him, they never had any problems with him and he always acted respectfully and treated their daughter well but moving in together, that was a whole other situation. It had taken many weeks of wearing them down with arguments like, rent will be so much cheaper and we found a nice place with two bedrooms so we'll basically just be roommates, but they had finally come around. 

Of course Olivia was a legal adult now and she could've moved in with Josh against her parents wishers if she truly desired to but she would never do that. Whether she was 10 or 18, her family would still always be one of the most important parts of her life and so if they really didn't want her to, she wouldn't have gone through with it. She didn't want that and as much as Josh wanted for them to live together, he understood and he didn't want that for her as well. She knew he'd support her decision no matter what and that just made telling him that she would do it, that much sweeter. She didn't think she had ever seen someone smile so wide as he cheered excitedly over that FaceTime call and she laughed at his overeager manner.

So after the many long months since he first brought up the idea of moving in together for the filming season, the moment she had been picturing was finally around the corner. She had packed up all her things into a couple boxes and about three large duffle bags which were all sitting ready to go by the front door. She sat on her couch just scrolling through her instagram feed lazily while she waited in anticipation, about five minutes later she got the text from Josh.

Almost immediately, a wide smile spread across her face and she shot up from the couch. She ran past her parents and out the front door, launching herself at Josh at full speed before he even got the chance to close the car door behind him. He had caught her in her arms and lifted her off the ground, holding her tight for a second before lowering back down to the ground. 

"I missed you." She said giggled as he smiled endearingly at her. 

"I missed you more." He replied, pressing a brief but soft kiss to her head. The two pulled away and made their way up the stairs together, walking towards Olivia's front door. It had been about a week since they had seen each other in person because they had both gotten really busy with packing and getting ready to move but things wouldn't be like that now, now they had all the time in the world together. Josh greeted her mom with a hug and her dad with a firm handshake before they got to work moving everything. 

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