Driver's License *

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A/N - Warning this fic does not have a happy ending so read at your own risk :(

Overview: A songfic for driver's license, snippets of Jolivia shown through lyrics

Got my driver's license last week, just like we always talked about

Olivia sat in the parking lot of the DMV in her mom's black Honda Civic. In her hands, she clutched the piece of paper that she'd worked so hard to earn. Originally she was ecstatic, so happy to finally have gotten her license. She had been smiling uncontrollably ever since she pulled into that parking spot and her instructor had congratulated on passing. Now that her mom had gone out to grab them some coffee, she sat in the car alone and the high she was feeling had started to wear off. She should've been happy, happy and nothing else, but that wasn't the case. Her heart was flooding with dread, regret, longing, and sorrow and the permanent smile that was carved on her face had chipped away. It wasn't about getting her license, it was about what that brought up for her. She wanted to be glowing in self-pride but she just couldn't fight the feelings eating her up on the inside. Through the endless conversations they'd had about this exact moment, all the time's they discussed it, she always expected him to be there for her after it, be happy with her. That wasn't the case.

Cause you were so excited for me, to finally drive up to your house

"Come on Livvy it will be so much fun!" Laughed Josh with a goofy smile painted on his face as he shoved the keys into her hands.

"I can't!" She exclaimed shoving them back to him.

"You can!" He pushed back to her. "I believe in you! Besides we're only in the parking lot and I'll be right beside you the entire time." He said smiling softly at her as he gently grabbed her hand, unwrapped the fist, dropped the keys and closed her fingers around them. She was watching the interaction hesitantly but she didn't move to stop him. She looked back up to meet his eyes. 

"What if I crash your car?" She asked nervously crossing her arms over her chest and shifting her weight back and forth anxiously.

"You're gonna do great, trust me." He spoke as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "And just think, when you get your license, you can drive to my place whenever you want and we can hang out all the time." He said looking down at her adoringly before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Okay let's go!" He called out as he moved behind her to open the car door on the driver's side for her. When he suggested they grab food to celebrate after finding out their song got picked, she wasn't expecting to be driving for the first time in his car, but there they were. 

But today I drove through the suburbs, crying cause you weren't around

Olivia made a right turn down the familiar street as she drove through the quiet neighbourhood. The sun was setting and evening was all around her, the colours of the painted sky reflecting into her car. The radio played softly with the sounds Taylor Swift echoing throughout the all too empty vehicle. She didn't know why she did this honestly. Maybe to try relive some of their old memories, maybe for that feeling of nostalgia, maybe just to torture herself with the thoughts of what could've been, what had once been. A few small tears streamed down her face as memories of driving these same roads flashed in her mind like ghosts haunting her daydreams. The feeling of pure bliss and happiness, giggling softly while he screamed out the lyrics to old songs they both loved, the false sense security she felt sitting in the passenger seat of his car. It was the first time she'd been back here since everything happened and it was hitting her hard. She pulled over into a nearby parking lot, rolled up her windows and let her emotions overtake her as the tears flowed freely and her body shook with sobs.

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