Heartbreak & Hospitals *

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Overview: Olivia visiting Josh in the hospital after his surgery: Requested by Smani02

A/N - A couple quick things, I was waiting to write this one until after we were sure Josh was okay, and also, I definitely don't know the details of what happened with his health, this is just a story! Lastly, we're gonna pretend the pandemic had already ended by now and that 'Skin' doesn't exist for the sake of this oneshot ty :) (Warning mature language used in the following story)

She heard about it through his Instagram, that was one of the worst parts of it. Josh had been in serious pain for the past couple of days. He was in the hospital, underwent surgery and she only found out a couple of hours later with the rest of his fans when she was scrolling through her feed and his post popped up. She'd gotten into the habit of scrolling right past his posts anytime she saw one but this time was different. The video of him in a hospital gown with the long caption had caught her eye right away and she quickly read through the entire paragraph. 

Her immediate reaction was shock. Her heart felt like it was sinking in her chest and she felt like she was going throw up. She sat dumbfounded on the edge of her bed rereading that paragraph for at least five minutes. Things were bad between her and Josh, their relationship was completely broken, but she just couldn't comprehend that his life was at risk and she had no idea about it. Months ago she probably would've been the first person to know, she probably would've been the one to suggest he go to the hospital, she probably would've been the one to go with him. It didn't make any sense to her how everything had changed so drastically and so quickly. 

Before she could really think about what she was doing, she had exited Instagram, opened up her phone, and scrolled down to a familiar contact, pressing call. She waited anxiously as the ringing echoed through the dead silence of her bedroom. She was beginning to think that the call would go unanswered but about a second before it went to voicemail, a familiar voice spoke over the line.


"Hi Claire, it's Olivia. I'm really sorry to bother you." She spoke anxiously to the sister of the boy currently in the hospital. 

"Hey Olivia, don't worry about it. It's nice to hear your voice, I feel like it's been forever since we talked." The girl said kindly. The two used to be pretty good friends but ever since things ended between Josh and her, they hadn't really spoken. To be honest, Olivia was half expecting Claire to hate her, seeing as she was his sister, long before she was her friend.

"Ya, it's been a while." She said with a bit of a strained, upbeat tone. "I uh, I was just calling because I heard um," she paused trying to formulate her words, "I heard your brother was in the hospital and I just wanted to make sure he was alright." She couldn't bring herself to just say his name, it was so stupid. 

"Oh ya, of course, he's out of surgery and he's just recovering now so he's doing okay." She explained, but Olivia's heart remained restless. "But he's not in pain anymore or anything, you know you can call him?" She laughed inwardly at that, sure in the literal sense, technically speaking she could call him but realistically, that was the last thing she could do. Outside of their jobs, the two of them didn't exactly have a speaking relationship anymore.

"I don't think I'm really the person he wants to hear from right now." She said, her words drowning in hurt.

"Olivia," Claire started speaking and the pity in her voice was evident. She didn't want pity, she was fine.

"No, it's um, it's okay don't worry." She said, clearing her throat. "I just wanted to make sure he was alright and he is, so everything's fine." She explained.

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