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Lmao this is a joke don't bash me
Underline + bold = characters thoughts


     They were both walking along the beach, enjoying the sunset. They slowly began heading back to their spot where they kept their blankets and food. "Look Jared, there's a really high cliff over there! We could have a picnic!" Wilbur said with excitement. "Of course babe" Jared said, accidentally adding in the 'babe'. Wilburs eyes widened and he started to blush. No he wouldn't like you, he's in love with that egirl.. Wilbur thought as he stared at Jared in sorrow, knowing he'll never be able to curl up and cuddle with him.

     Jared picked up the blanket back at their spot and picked up the food basket, holding it out towards Wilbur. Wilbur took the basket and they began walking up to the cliff.

     Once they had gotten up to the cliff, they say their stuff down and began to feast while watching the sunset. Once they were done with their food, they both turned to face the sun. They were sitting shoulder to shoulder and after a while, Wilbur started to drift off. In result of this his head fell into Jared's shoulder. Jared snapped his head to look at his shoulder and was surprised when he saw Wilbur. Jared blushed and thought long and hard about what he should do.

     They both ended up falling asleep on the cliff, far enough from the edge to be safe though. They ended up plopping down onto their backs and cuddling with each other as they slept.

        The end.


Authors note: ok this isn't a serious book, just something for when I get writers block so I can get rid of that and get back to my serious book. (Go check that out, I'll be making a new one when the current one is done ;> )

Word count: 310


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