A parks beauty

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I'm sorry for not uploading for like- it's been what, two or three months? Maybe four— I don't remember honestly, time has begun to slip away from me.
I'm finally got a tiny bit of motivation to write! Let's see how this goes


When Wilbur woke, he was snuggled on Jareds chest, Jared's arm resting on his back. Wilbur spent the next half an hour trying to wiggle his way out of Jareds hold. Once he was finally free, Wilbur quickly changed into a nice yellow sweater and black trousers. He finally topped off his outfit with a maroon beanie which made the hair sticking out ook very fluffy. Wilbur walked into the kitchen, stopping to check that he hadn't woke Jared up, then continuing into the kitchen when he saw Jared still asleep on the couch. He then spent the next twenty minutes making pancakes for the two.

     About halfway through the journey of pancakes, Jared walked quietly into the kitchen. "morning Wilby," Jared spoke, receiving a jump from Wilbur who had been focused on the making of pancakes. "Sorry about that Jared, you spooked me a bit, " Wilbur chuckled. " but if you need clothes you can wear mine, pick whatever you want!" Wilbur spoke as he moved all the pancakes to two plates. Jared nodded and walked off to Wilbur's bedroom. About a minute later, Jared walked in wearing the plaid shirt Wilbur had gotten him and some jeans, wearing the same glasses that he had always worn.

     "So I was thinking, we could go to the park and hang out! I'll bring my guitar if you want me to!" Wilbur said as he began to eat his pancakes. Jared took a seat at the table, sitting across from Wilbur. "Yeah, I'd like that!" Jared said as he continued eating away at his pancakes. They finished eating a bit later, talking about random topics the whole time. After cleaning up, Wilbur went to retrieve his guitar from his room as Jared got his shoes on. Wilbur handed Jared his guitar and ran back into his room, running back out with some black shoes on. Jared opened the door, Wilbur thanking him as he grabs his keys and heads out the door.

     They both piled into Wilbur's jeep, Jared putting the guitar in the back seat. Wilbur started up the car and backed out of his driveway, and with that, they were on the road.

     After about a twenty-minute drive, Wilbur pulled into a parking space, making sure to perfectly line up with the lines. They both hopped out of the Jeep, Jared gathering Wilbur's guitar once again. They headed over to a small hill, laying down beside a tree at the top. Jared handed the guitar to Wilbur and he gladly accepted it. "Any requests?" Wilbur asked, looking up at the other. "Have you been working on anything lately?" Jared asked as he began to gather up flowers. "Hm.. well there's a song I kind of made up on some things, but.." Wilbur trailed off, not wanting to sing a song about Jared while he was there. "but? C'mon, I'm sure it's amazing!" Jared spoke, a huge smile across his face. How could Wilbur say no to him? "Fine, but it does have something to do with how whiny you were as a child!" Wilbur sighed. Jared laughed as Wilbur began to strum the guitar strings.


     About ten songs in, Wilbur had finished his mini-concert. A small group of maybe thirteen or so people had gathered around to listen.  Wilbur and Jared waved to the crowd and walked off. "Well, I'd say that was a rather fun day!" Wilbur laughed. Jared nodded and opened the car door. They both hopped into the Jeep and started the car, heading onto the

     After about fifteen minutes, Wilbur pulled up to Jareds house. Wilbur saw a car in the driveway and assumed it belonged to Jared. After making sure Jared had made it into his house safely, Wilbur pulled away and headed home.


     HELLO hi I was gonna make this a longer chapter but I have an idea for a new story— I know I'm barely making progress on the three I have now. I dunno I had a dream about it and just converted it into like— a wholesome/angst Tubbo and Tommy book. It would kind of be like scps. Tommy will be like- a HUGE half-dragon/demon and Tubbo will just be a tiny little bee boy. Should I do it? If I do it'll bee once I finish this book and my dnf one

Words: 763

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