That egirl.

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What should I name the egirl?

     I've always hated her. Even before she became Jared's girlfriend. She would always lead Jared away from me and make it about her. Being honest, I don't get how he ever accepted her confession. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone knocked on the door of my house.

     I got off of the couch and walked to the door. I opened it and the mailman was there, holding a medium sized package. I thanked him for the package and closed the door. As soon as I closed the door, I sprinted to my room and jumped onto the bed, quickly tearing open the package. I saw a note and a box of chocolates. I placed the chocolates next to me and began reading the note

Dear Wilbur,
     Sadly I couldn't visit you today, I really wish I could. My girlfriend invited me out to get dinner and go to the zoo. I promise you that I will try my best to come visit tomorrow. I promise we can cuddle while watching cheesy romances. Perhaps we could watch a horror movie as well!

    Much love, Jared

Wilburs heart fluttered as he read the letter. He then turned his head to the living room outside his door, realizing it was a mess. Wilbur rushed off of his bed and immediately grabbed the empty food bags and cans laying on the coffee table in front of his couch. He ran to grab his trash can and pushed the nasty mess into it. Next he picked up the pillows off the ground and arranged them on the couch. After he was done with the pillows, he quickly set up the sleeper part of the couch and went to go and do the dishes.

( here's a picture of what his living room looks like)

     He then took a break to eat some food, then quickly washed the plate he used

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He then took a break to eat some food, then quickly washed the plate he used. He then started the vacuum and vacuumed the whole house, cleaning every single room. He even cleaned up his bedroom! Something he hadn't done in a while. He took out the trash and looked at his work. It was almost as if it was all sparkling. Wilbur suddenly got extremely tired. He hadn't done that much or moved that fast in a long time, so it wasn't a surprise that he was that tired.

     Wilbur decided to get ready to head to bed and get a good nights sleep. As Wilbur was laying in bed he realized he hadn't streamed today. He got on Twitter and posted that he was sorry he didn't stream today, and that he might not stream tomorrow either. After he scrolled for another ten minutes, he sat his phone down and drifted off to sleep.


Oops I wrote this during class
Also yeah this is just a filler chapter so you don't get bored of me

Edit: if you wanna follow me on TikTok, my account is chadnapmamas! I might start posting a video for every update I do on my books.

Word count: 513

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