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It's like- 4 am and I have an alarm for school that goes off at 6:45 but I'm writing this because school doesn't matter anyway :)
Also shoutout to gogys-left-airpod who literally like- blew up my notifs as i wrote this

Wilbur grabbed his guitar and headed out the door. Everyone he knew was busy and he was bored, so he decided he wanted to play music for people in the park! Maybe he'd earn a few pounds too, who knows. He ended up forgetting his car keys inside but didn't feel like getting them, so he began to walk to mthe park, thinking he needs the fresh air anyways.

     Finally, after walking for about twenty minutes, he arrived at the park. Wilbur walked around, trying to find a nice spot for him to settle and start playing. He decided on a small picnic table that had multiple other picnic tables in front of it and sat on the table part. Why? I dunno it sounded cool. He adjusted the strings of his guitar so they didn't sound abominable and decided on a song. He played with the strings for a bit and decided on Saline Solution.

     As he played, a few people gathered around and sat at the other picnic tables. As more people came, it caught the attention of more and more people until he had a small crowd of maybe fifty or more people in front of him. He slightly panicked as he finished the song, not knowing what to play next. When it was obvious he was finished, the people clapped and cheered at him, quieting down after a bit. Wilbur thought for a bit until he decided to play losing face, knowing it was one of the songs he had the most practice on. He started up the song and time started to calmly drift along.

    Wilbur put his guitar down and began to talk to the crowd, answering any questions they might have. He looked around and pointed at one individual who asked, "Whos songs were those?" to which Wilbur replied with "oh! They're my songs! The album, called your city gave me asthma, is available on Spotify and Apple Music!" Wilbur explained, watching a little over half of the crowd open their phones.

     After answering a few more basic questions, you know like the questions you ask when you're in an awkward conversation or meeting someone for the first time, the crowd dispersed and Wilbur began walking away until he heard a familiar voice. "God Wilbur, your music is shit," the voice said with a joking tone. Wilbur turned around to face gremlin one and two. "Why are you two out here? Your bedtime is soon." Wilbur spoke, looking between Tommy and Tubbo. "WE ARE BIG MEN. BIG MEN DON'T HAVE BEDTIMES WILBUR!" Tommy shouted, making people look. "Ok! Ok, but quiet down child. People are starting." Wilbur said, motioning to the people around them.


Ok I know that's a terrible way to end a chapter but I feel like shit rn and don't know why- both the flu and covid came back negative so I have no idea why I feel like this- I'm most likely not going to school tomorrow though so that's pretty poggers but uhm- follow my tiktok chadnapmamas lol and have a nice day, take care of yourselves

Word count: 548

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