soooooo... hey?

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Well it's been a while huh?

as you could've probably guessed- ive lost interest and inspiration in this! so i'm just gonna cancel this lol

BUT!!!! i might, and please register the word MIGHT, make another fic soon! if you'd like, you could comment what groups you'd like it to focus on, or what the general idea of the story will be.

I'm sorry i couldn't do anymore on this, ive just been a dummy lol

i haven't been totally unproductive though!! i sort of picked up poetry! ive only written a single poem so far, but here it is! it's called "sometimes i wonder"


  sometimes I wonder—

what exactly have I done with my life?
maybe that could be rephrased to "what will I
do with my life?"

because nobody cares about what you're doing now, who you are now. they only care about who you will be in the distant future.

loving questions and concerns from distant relatives turned into questionnaires about what your future job may be or what your income will be; how to get the highest possible income. 

as that is all that matters about your future.
your own mother's care either flourishing or dwindling based on how much money you make.

yearly income turning into the main factor for determining relationships with significant others and even family members.

family members that forget that I am only a child. a child that has no clue about anything about money, or income.

sometimes I wonder—

am I enough?


i hope you liked it haha-
and please remember i will be looking at the ideas that you all give me!!!


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