A cozy night

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  Ok, so I've chosen Tiffany! Thank you to who chose that! I'm way too lazy to go check right now-


     Wilbur awoke at 10 am thanks to his alarm. He decided to both double and triple-check that everything was crystal clear. After about an hour of rechecking everything, he finally decided it was perfect, then he decided it wasn't perfect enough and cleaned everything again. It wasn't until 3 pm that he decided everything looked perfectly perfect.

     He ran to the store to buy Jared's favorite snack, mint chocolate KitKats. After that, he grabbed some water and pop. He also decided to pick up a gift for Jared! He ended up getting him a nice black and red plaid shirt for him, it would fit him, knowing his fashion sense.

Wilbur looked at the time, seeing that it was already 5 pm. He quickly left the store and headed home.

    Once he got home, he put the KitKats on the coffee table, and put the waters and pop in the fridge. He looked at the clock and saw 5:15 and noticed he had just enough time to bake some cupcakes. He managed to get the cupcake batter into the oven with minimal spilling, even while rushing. While the cupcakes were baking, he got out the ingredients for icing and began to make the icing. Nearly perfectly timed, the cupcakes were done baking, as was he done with the icing. He pulled them out to reveal perfectly made vanilla cupcakes, Jared's favorite flavor.

     After another fifteen minutes of putting the icing on the cupcakes, Wilbur decided they were good and pulled some sprinkles out of the cabinet. He sprinkled some on and left the cupcakes on the counter. He once again looked at the time and noticed it was 7:20. Jared would be here in about forty minutes. Wilbur decided to take a quick shower just to look as good as he could once Jared arrives. He spends about 25 minutes in the shower before drying off and blow-drying his hair.

     He had barely picked out some comfy clothes when he heard the doorbell ring. He ran to the door and opened it, revealing Jared. "H-Hey Jared!" Wilbur said nervously. "Hey there!" Jared replied as Wilbur let him in. "Oooh, something smells good," Jared replied as he stepped into the house. "Oh! I decided to make your favorite cupcakes!" Wilbur replied, hoping Jared would like them. Instead of saying anything, Jared just hugged Wilbur. That night they sat around watching crappy movies until Wilbur eventually fell asleep being cuddled by Jared. That night they forgot about all of their problems and worries.


Lmao this is terrible

Give me ideas I need them 🔪

Word count: 459

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