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As the waves crashed along the beach, Wilbur stood there defeated. Up ahead, the love of his miserable waste of a life stood there locked in a deep kiss with Tiffany.
     I mean really anyone else who'd have seen this would be delighted and happy that this young couple were doing well, but not this asshole.
As their lips parted, Nibbler shrieked with rage, "How... how could you do this to me Jared? I thought we had something, yet you chose this freak over me?!" It stomped towards the couple, annoyance painted across their faces. 
     "Honestly! what does that stupid woman have over me, i'm perfect!" the roach paused his words, a chuckle escaping his lips as he started quickly towards Tiffany again, "y'know what.. i just need to get rid of you.. come here bi-" His tantrum was abruptly cut off as an out of control jet ski rammed into him at 83mph. he died lmao.

Tiffany and Jared then walked away, holding hands as the wailing cries of the pig grew fainter, his soul being grasped upon by the devil himself and dragged into eternal suffering. Tiffany and Jared went on a nice bookstore date afterwards, and went on to get married and live happily ever after.

The End!!! :3


Yeah so obviously FUCK WILBUR

i'm not gonna delete this because it's a relic of my past and i really enjoyed writing this when everything in its fandom was full swing , but i'm also not gonna continue anything related to that guy.

all that being said, i hope everyone is doing well and are having fun!!!

word count:  271

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