Piss kink (Bokuaka)

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(You decided to click on this, you've been warned, if you don't like it well u can just 'piss' off ;))) but more seriously if u don't like this stuff don't fucking read it, this is smut, don't be mad abt this fic when I'm telling u this is explicit piss kink yaoi)

(We don't kink shame here either *v*)

Narrator's POV


Bokuto was never the type to get riled up during sex. While he enjoyed it, topping and bottoming, and was always glad to reciprocate when his boyfriend was in the mood, he rarely had to worry about being too loud or making too much of a mess. And to his demise, Akaashi noticed.

Akaashi was sitting on his bed, a pen holding onto his bottom lip as he bit the end, losing track of his thoughts as he did his homework. He'd been having some thoughts that were, impure, to say the least. Thinking of his boyfriend throwing him against the wall or slamming his face into a pillow as drool and saliva dripped out of his mouth and he panted into the fabric. But unfortunately, just as he was getting into his thoughts, he realized something, while he was imagining his boyfriend grunting and moaning, on top or under him, he never made those heavenly sounds in real life. Instead, choosing to get himself off once Akaashi had finished and being left semi-obviously unsatisfied.

Akaashi's thoughts went wild. It wasn't uncommon for him to get nervous over things, and his relationship with Bokuto was no different. Akaashi was always painfully aware that Bokuto could have pretty much anyone he wanted. He was tall and muscular and had a damn right magical personality- even if it got annoying sometimes. And while he never failed to ease Akaashi's worries and soothe his anxiety, he couldn't prevent these streams of thought. Did Bokuto not like sex? Was Akaashi bad at it? Whether he was topping or bottoming he never came as hard as Akaashi either. So, to soothe his worries, Akaashi was determined to figure out what it was. How could he enjoy being manhandled by the owl or treating the larger man like his toy if he wasn't feeling the same way?

He spent more time than he'd like to admit trying to figure out what it could be without embarrassing himself entirely by straight-up asking 'Am I bad at sex or are you just quiet?'. However, he came across a few things he found worth contemplating.

Asexuality: Bokuto could simply not enjoy sex and only do it for Akaashi's sake

They had a communication issue and nothing was wrong

Or finally, the one that both excited and frightened the setter at the same time,


When it came to sex the couple had always been quite vanilla. Whether it was Akaashi bottoming, or Bokuto- the latter being the more common one- they had always kept their lives on the safe side. It's not that Akaashi didn't have his fair share of kinks- sure, while he'd imagined tying up the dual-haired boy, spanking him and making him his, he'd been scared to initiate the conversation. But now that his mind was flooded with worry, talking about it seemed to be the only way to fix his state.

It was a few days later and Bokuto was over at Akaashi's. It was a Friday night and the two were huddled together on the couch, Akaashi had dropped a few hints to his parents, asking them to not be present when Bokuto came over and luckily, they had picked up on their son's message without him needing to explicitly say what was planned. Akaashi's parents were sex-positive, and while it initially embarrassed the rather quiet setter when his parents asked what size condom he wore- he ended up being grateful times they'd agree to have a night out on their own to pardon his sex life.

To the surprise of most- Akaashi was always the one to start things. Bokuto loved it, how Akaashi would linger his hands on his waist or lean in slowly for a kiss in the exact way that would send a shiver down his spine and let him know just what type of evening they were in for. Bokuto loved sex - don't get him wrong, he loves bottoming for Akaashi and how when he really gets into it he's rough and demanding, but there's always something that kept him from getting completely into it, and that is the fault of one thing, a kink. Not any kink, a messy, hot and wet kink that gets Bokuto flushed in the cheeks just thinking about it. Embarrassed to talk about it yet always holding back from doing it in the bedroom was what kept him from fully enjoying himself, and Akaashi seemed to be having none of it.

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