Short skirt (Bokuaka smut)

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(ayy more Bokuaka smut ;))) in this bc Wattpad has bad tagging- Akaashi is Agender and uses they/she pronouns, and of course, yet again, if you do not like smut simply ~skip this~ )

Narrator's POV


Akaashi Keiji was an enigma. One that made Bokuto's head spin, stomach flutter with nerves and trip over his words in the best way imaginable. Akaashi had come out as Agender in their second year. It was a bigger change for most than they had thought- it's not that they couldn't get used to her pronouns, it's not like using they/she for someone was harder than using he, xe or it. What was what they found different, and the hardest to ignore was the change in uniform.

Fukurodani had been better at accepting Akaashi in her identity more than anyone had initially expected. They wore the girl's uniform because they liked it, were allowed to use the girl's washroom as they didn't have a gender-neutral washroom and everyone had done their best to get their pronouns right. However, while Akaashi didn't mind being on the boy's team- she didn't want to be separated from her teammates and having someone with Akaashi's raw strength and height on the girl's team was deemed 'unfair'- one thing still had yet to be addressed- Akaashi had to change in the boy's change room. Why they could use the girl's washroom but not the changeroom was beyond them, and while they could have changed in the bathroom, it was simply easier to use the change room. Which brought them to the current predicament. Lingering stares.

Akaashi wore the girl's uniform. She liked it, the short skirt, the sweater and button-down, and quite frankly enjoyed the stares she got showing off her legs. But the one downside of having such a supportive team meant they weren't immune to just how good Akaashi looked. They were on htr and had started a year before they came out at school. They were beautiful. Long eyelashes, soft skin even when it broke out, surfacing curves of her chest and redistributing fat making their thighs and hips balance out the way they liked. They welcomed compliments, smiling and taking them as small 'wins' on days they'd still get misgendered. However, with everyone complimenting Akaashi on her ass, hips and just how good the uniform looked on her, she overlooked how her boyfriend might be reacting to everyone checking out his datefriend.

Bokuto wasn't particularly jealous by nature- well, he was, Akaashi had so far just seen his jealousy in other ways, in cuddles and clinginess that they didn't mind. They liked Bokuto for a reason, after all. But, nevertheless, Bokuto was jealous. He struggled not to send people death glares when he noticed how people would stare when Akaashi bent down to receive a serve, struggled not to snap when they always took extra time changing to wait for Akaashi to finish and had to damn near bite his lip so he didn't start a fight when someone dared comment on how Akaashi's body was changing. And to say the least, he wanted to let everyone know Akaashi was his- his method of choice? Marks, hickeys, and bruises to let their team know just what Akaashi liked.

They were walking home together to Bokuto's house, they usually hung out after school, doing homework at each other's houses, talking and having dinner before the respected one would go home. Bokuto thanked his lucky stars his parents weren't home, while they said they didn't necessarily want him to have Akaashi over while they were gone, if they weren't there it's not like they would know. Right?

The second they got inside Bokuto was set on Akaashi. Shoving her against the wall as soon as the door was shut and forcing his lips onto hers. She was quick to reciprocate, mostly out of habit as the initial shock set in, after a moment or two she pushed Bokuto off,

"What are you doing?" She said, gasping a little after the air was seemingly breathed out of her, Bokuto pulled back, his eyes flickering between their spit covered lips and soft eyes,

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