Hunger - Kuroken

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Heyy~ Thanks for reading, this is a standalone and unless I decide to post more here this will stay standalone

tw: lemon, a bit of arguing


Age 7


Being an Incubus had never bore much weight on Kenma's life. It never seemed too important or as something that warranted mentioning, it was just how his family was. He never even recognized he was all that different from the other kids his age until the first time he was invited over to Kuroo's. He had to choke down the visually appealing meal that only made his stomach churn. And when he found himself throwing up in the darkness of Kuroo's bathroom later in the night he realized his biology would have more weight on him than he thought.

"I'm an Incubus," Kenma said straightforwardly, his body resting gently on the soft sheets of Kuroo's bed. The existence of Incubus and succubus along with other humanoid creatures on the planet was known, however, many preferred to ignore it and stick to a more mundane fashion of life.

"Oh... what's that?" Kuroo asked, not many schools educated their students about the existence of different species. Many keeping their biologies to themselves if it was anything other than human. Kenma's eyebrows stitched together. While he'd been told he was an Incubus and couldn't eat regular food, he had failed to learn what it actually was. What he actually was.


Age 12


After spending that night at Kuroo's nearly 5 years ago, Kenma asked his parents what it meant for him to be an Incubus with the most urgency he'd ever felt in his life. What it meant to not be human. His parents had described it the best they could, there wasn't a handbook and Kenma had to discover a lot more of the fine-tuned details himself. But, after asking, he had a simple enough explanation,

'Incubus are demons. They feed off of sexual energy.'

However, since Kenma was still young he didn't have the same tendencies his parents followed. And as the slight pangs of hunger first started to appear, spending time with Kuroo was enough to feed him. He made Kuroo happy, and it was enough for the little Incubus to realize just how much he meant to his friend.

Going through school was normal. It was fine and it wasn't anything different than Kenma had suspected. He kept his status as an Incubus a secret and no one aside from Kuroo and his family knew. He joined the volleyball team and played alongside his best friend. When he got home he'd play video games and do some work if he felt like it and Kuroo would often end up inviting himself over to either play games or to practice his hitting.

They rarely talked about Kenma being an Incubus. Kuroo knew Kenma felt rather indifferent to the species. He knew the basics from what Kenma had told him when they were younger, and if Kenma was ever particularly sluggish, he'd practically attack him and wrap him in a hug that had the potential of crushing his lungs. Yet, despite the younger boy always complaining, it always ended with the faintest traces of a smile and Kenma appearing just a little more alert.


Age 15


For the first time in his life, Kenma hated being an Incubus. The hunger and irritation that could have typically been solved by a hug or particularly warm smile had evolved into something else. The true sexual nature of being an Incubus was being revealed to him and he hated it. If Kuroo hugged him he had to resist virtually grinding into him and it only left his hunger worse, cursing himself as he would beg for Kuroo to be hard when he hugged him at least once.

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