KuroTsuki [piss kink request- smut]

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Woah more piss,, 

This was requested by someone from my archive, thought i'd post it here too, as usual, don't kink shame and enjoy if you happen to like this


Narrator's POV


It was no secret in their relationship who the more experienced one was. Kuroo was older, he had been with other people, he was confident in his sexuality and always took their relationship one step at a time, letting Kei choose the pace as he was the one in uncharted territories.

Kuroo's experience didn't bother him- he knew going into the relationship Kuroo had done a lot of things he hadn't. He'd had his first kiss, he'd had sex, hell he'd even played spin the bottle- something Tsukishima never would have even considered 'experience' until he found out how many of his friends Kuroo had been 1 step away from fucking- and how many he'd gone the whole 9-yards with.

So, 6 months into their relationship, having gone no farther than heated make-out sessions, Kei felt a little intimidated. Kuroo never pressured him, Kuroo was happy to go as far as his boyfriend wanted for as long as he wanted. But, 6 months into the relationship, while feeling intimidated, Tsukki also found himself wanting more. More than a heated make-out where Kuroo would excuse himself to not so discreetly jack off in the bathroom, more than a suggestive hang-out where everything hinted at what they both wanted and more than how hesitant Kuroo seemed to touch him.

It started how it always did. Kuroo looming up over Kei in his room, his hands ghosting over his waist while making out. It was slow, Kuroo was delicate with Tsukki, trying not to move his hands anywhere the blonde didn't move them first and trying to keep his lips from trailing down to Kei's neck and sucking red and purple marks onto the boy's neck. But, Kuroo's precautions around his boyfriend left Kei questioning their current state. Why wasn't Kuroo touching him more? He was more experienced, so why wasn't he using any of that experience? It's not like Kuroo wasn't interested- no, after a while Tsuki always noticed how antsy Kuroo got. His kisses getting a tiny bit rougher, his fingers brushing against his skin and if he really let go Kei could feel Kuroo's dick brush ever so slightly against his thigh- all of which happening right now.

So why wasn't he doing anything?

Kei was frustrated, confused and intimidated. Deciding he needed to act before his mind started to wonder if he simply wasn't desirable enough. He put his hand on Kuroo's, gently settled on his waist, not daring to do anything aside from rub soft circles into his skin. He'd never liked making the first moves- fear of rejection, it simply wasn't like him, but needless to say, he was feeling a little adventurous.

He was more nervous than he needed to be as he led Kuroo's hand down to his side, holding the low of his hip. The reaction he got, however, was not the one he wanted.

Kuroo didn't say anything.

He said and did nothing and Kei swore it only made Kuroo stiffen, if not grimace slightly into the kiss. He hadn't been obvious enough, had he? Of course he hadn't, Kuroo was experienced and probably didn't recognize Kei's subtle signs of submission. He pushed deeper into the kiss, running his tongue over the insides of his mouth and pushing his hips ever so slightly up.

But still- no response from Kuroo. He supposed he wasn't doing much, but Kuroo couldn't seriously be this dense, could he? Kei's hands found themselves around Kuroo's neck, pondering over the skin on the back of his neck, he decided to move them again, touching his neck wasn't exactly the clearest invitation to sex. Kei cursed himself, how did he end up with someone so experienced while being a complete idiot when it came to anything sexual himself?

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