down is up

31 0 0

please listen to the song above this is one of my favorite songs from the hobbit ☺️

I added this part in this is my favorite part from POTC so I added it init goes with the story but not really so I'm sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but enjoy I will be adding this part in to my future POTC books so be prepared but enjoy this chapter ☺️

Jack was looking at the map figure out how we're going to get to the underworld then he got it and he started running through that side of the ship Jack what are you doing I asked him will was beside me also looking at Jack like he was crazy so I ran after him and looked over the edge what are you looking at will start following pursuit then everybody else started joining in as well as we started going from side to side to the ship that's when I got it what he's trying to do he's rocking the ship are you as everybody starts screaming around unlatching the barrels the cannons everything and downstairs in the under deck as we continue to rock the ship we keep doing this for about a few more minutes until finally we all grabbed hold of the side of the ship as it started tipping upside down once the ship was fully underwater everything started falling out the ship that's when I realized will was sinking my eyes widened as I try to grab for him but he just continues to sink what's a good thing I look around and I found a rope and I dropped it down to him he grabbed the rope as I held onto the rope and the banister at the same time holding him in place I never knew he was a sinker that's when the ship started to move upwards I look up my eyes wide and as I looked down at him tucking the rope a little bit and gripping it tight showing him to hold on tight he nodded and held on tight I was the ship started to fly upwards finally the ship was out of the water and we all could breathe I caught will before he hit the ground and set him down well that was an adventure I told Jack yeah now welcome to the Land of the Dead he said his we looked around it was dark there were boats small canoes sailing past us that's what Elizabeth looked out and saw something that made her upset right there in the water in a canoe was her father she tried to get him to join them onto the ship but it didn't work he wouldn't do it she was screaming and crying for his name but he just continued to look forward to this boat sailed on there's nothing you can do now he's gone I told her she walked away as I looked at will and he looked at me I grabbed his hand and held it tight he smiled at me he squeezed my hand as well I smiled back in him as we walked back over to Jack

hello everybody I know this used to be an author's note I turned it into a chapter story cuz I had this in my mind a while ago and I wanted to put it in so I did and I hope you like it and I will try to come up with some more soon but thank you all for reading and we'll see you soon

Ps I'm sorry it doesn't fall into the storyline of the story I'm very sorry I will try to make it fit in I'll have to change some things going on with the rest of the story so that'll take me a few days maybe and then I will post a new chapter ☺️

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