Chapter 18

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Ophelias nose scrunched up slightly as Kol placed little kisses all over her sleeping face and then eventually her eyes flutter open and stare into his own. A smile instantly comes to her lips as she looks at him, it wasn't a dream, he was finally with her again. He smiles down at her and she crawls on top of him and lays there, his arms tighten around her waist and he chuckles softly. He had woken up about an hour ago, he knew he should have gotten up, he was starving but as he looked down at her peaceful sleeping face, he couldn't bring himself to move and all of his hunger had somehow disappeared. He laid there for an hour, admiring her, admiring her brown hair as he was sprawled out in random places and how her nose twitched every so often

"good morning gorgeous" he whispers to her and then brings his hand up and combs it through her hair soft and begins to massage her scalp, she lets out a small grunt and lifts her head up and looks down at him and places a kiss on his jawline 

"Good morning love" she whispers and rubs their noses together softly and then lets out a sigh and goes to stand up but Kol grabs her and pulls her back down on top of him and whines, locking her in his arms "come on love, we have to get up, we have to get ready for the stupid ball that your mother is hosting" she mumbles out in annoyance and Kol groans

"who cares about the stupid ball, let's just get out of here, skip town, leave my family and all the bloody chaos" Kol mutters

"you know we cant do that Kol" she whispers to him and he pouts up at her but she leans down towards his ear and quietly whispers "not just yet" she kisses the side of his head, right next to his ear and then sits up, straddling him and he grins up at her and grabs her hips and quickly flips them around so she was lying on the bed and he was straddling her, he bends down and begins placing light kisses on her neck and grins at the bite mark on her neck that he had given her

"its still there" he whispers and she grins up at him 

"i learnt how to control my healing processors, now my body only heals what i want it to heal" he smirks down at her 

"so why arent you healing it" he asks with a smirk, already knowing the answer 

"so that everyone knows that i am yours" she replies and he grins

"brilliant" he mutters and bends down and peirces another piece of her neck with his fangs and begins to drink her blood, her mouth opens and her eyes shut tightly 

"shit Kol" she mutters out and then he pulls away and gets off her "hey what the hell, get your cute little ass back over here!" she whines and reaches her hands out for him and he ignores her and walks over to the cupboard and opens it and inside were a few suits and dresses that one of the maids brought in earlier this morning

"sorry darling, but my family is in the house, what kind of man do you take me for?" Kol said and turned to face her with a smirk, using the excuse that she had used the night before and then he turns back to the cupboard and pulls out a suit and a dress "i think you would look amazing in this" he says and walks over to the bed and shows her a red dress that looked amazing with sequins and lace all over it . She grinned and stood up, taking the dress out of his hands 

"its brilliant" She grinned and then walked over to a set of draws and opened it and inside their was a bunch of under garments that would fit her perfectly and a letter, she picked up the letter, Kol walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind and places a kiss on her shoulder and then rested his chin on her shoulder and looked down at the letter.

Ophelia opened it 

Ophelia dear, i went and got these for you when i went to get some for myself, i figured you would much prefer i got them rather than Nik or Elijah, Kol would probably appreciate it too

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