Chapter 4

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Ophelia had chugged about 20 alcohol filled punch cups in the first half an hour that she had been at the dance. She had been asked to dance by about 10 different boys to which she all turned down, there was only one boy who she wished to dance with and as of 3 hours ago, she knew she would never get the chance to dance with him again.

Her blood boiled and she swore she had never hated and never will hate Niklaus. But all of that changed once he had told her that he had thrown the mikaelson coffins into the ocean. It was like her life had just been taken away from her. She would never get to see Kol or Rebekah again. She was surprised she was drinking alchohol right now and not the blood of all the poor innocent teenagers dancing around her.

Suddenly Klaus comes up to her with a giant grin on his face "you look ravishing" he says to Ophelia with a grin "would you care to dance"

"I think people would be concerned to see an 18 year old and a 40 year old dancing together, especially when that 40 year old is a teacher" Ophelia says and doesn't look at him

"oh well, he'll just have to face the consequences when he gets back" Klaus says with a grin and then grabs her and they begin to dance to the music "its just like old times"

"Yeah except Kol isn't here to push you off me and then take your spot" Ophelia says and continues to look away from him as she dances with him

"Yes he always was the jealous type wasn't he? then again I cant say that you weren't the same" Klaus says with a grin

"why did you do it Nik?" Ophelia asks no humour on her face and his smirk got even wider but it dropped instantly when he heard a sniffle come from the girl, her eyes went red and a tear slipped down her face "You always take him away from me and now he's gone forever, are you really that heartless?"

"Phelie I-" he didn't know what to say, she never cries and seeing her cry broke his heart in two pieces and for one of the few times in his life, he felt guilty. He goes to wipe the tear from her face but she pushes him away from her and turns to storm off

"w-wait Phe-" He starts but is cut off by the loud speaker

"thanks for being here everybody" Danna calls out over the loud speaker and the crowd at the dance begins to cheer and clap "we have a special shout out tonight. This is for Elena from Klaus"

Ophelia listened and noticed the Salvatore brothers and their gang from across the room and made their way over to them and the song 'this is dedicated to the one I love' begins to play

"Cheesy right?" Ophelia asks them with a grin and tries to hide the fact that she had just been crying

"that was a lame cheap shot, he is just trying to bait us" Damon says to them all

"I know everyone here" Elena says as she finished scanning all of the people in her room

"maybe he is not here, maybe he just wants us to believe that he is" Stefan said. WHile Ophelia hated Niklaus, she was still loyal and he was still family, she wasn't going to rat him out

"Its a party people, blend. let him come to us" Damon says to them all

"good idea" bonnie says and nods her head and goes to pull Jeremy away

"no no no I don't really feel like dancing" Jeremy says but allows himself to be pulled away by bonnie

"theres Ric" Damon says as they loo across the room at Alaric, Ophelia just glares and damon says "ill be back" before leaving the two girls and Stefan behind

"well, wanna dance?" Stefan finally says to Elena and Elena looks at him nods her head and the two walk off, leaving Ophelia by herself until a random boy came up to her and began dancing with her and this time she didn't refuse and while she didn't enjoy it, she just wanted to drink the night away and forget everything


Ophelia stopped dancing as her hearing tunes in and she hears Jeremy getting beaten up "hey sorry I gotta go" she says to the boy and runs off leaving him there with a dumbstruck look on his face.

Ophelia finally found Jeremy on the floor with a group of guys around him kicking him

"hey assholes, back the hell up before I throw you all through the wall" she says and runs over to Jeremy and as she got closer to them one of them pulls out a cross bow and goes to shoot it at her but she easily catches it in her hand right before it goes into her heart. The boys had no emotion on their faces as they all pulled out a wood firing weapon

"Klaus just set you all up to die man" Ophelia said with a grin and her eyes flashed a deep red as she lunged forward and attacked all of them but didn't kill them, they were obviously compelled by Klaus and it wasn't their fault. Damon suddenly runs in and looks at the girl in shock "go find ELena and Bonnie, its a set up"

Damon nods his head and then runs out of the room and Ophelia crouches down to help Jeremy up

"what are you?" Jermemy asks her in confusion as he looked up at her with wide eyes

"your guardian angel" Ophelia says with a grin and helps him to his feet

"I saw your eyes Ophelia, that doesn't happen to Stefan or damon or any of the other vampires" Jeremy says "so if you aren't a vampire then what the hell are you"

"I am a vampire Jeremy" Ophelia says

"Youre different" Jeremy says with furrowed brows "and don't lie to me because I know what I saw"

"well whats wrong with being a little different?"

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