Chapter 11

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"Im sorry but i cant let you help him go through with this" a familiar cool voice says from behind her and Ophelia slowly turns around with a scowl on her face, but her teeth, nails, and eyes had all gone back to normal, she wanted to know if he had changed his mind if he had come back to help her and his family, Elijah was always the noblest one out of the originals though he could also be stupid and follow the wrong morals, especially when it came to the doppelganger, unlike Niklaus who only pretended to like Katherine so that he could use her, kill her and break the curse on him, Elijah had fallen for her the moment that he had saw her, she was the spitting image of his first love Tatia. Both of the brothers had a think for Tatia, but Elijah was the one who truly loved her and when Ophelia saw the way that Elijah looked at Elena, she knew that he had already fallen for her too. 

"Well well well, i was wondering how long it would take for you to show up to the party. You really think you can do something about it? and what are you going to do about it Elijah?" Ophelia asks with a grin on her face as she looked straight into ELijahs eyes, she wasn't scared of him, in fact, she enjoyed annoying him  "stop me?"

"Yes, indeed, stopping you is what i have come here to do, i cant let you go one with this, if i have to use force to stop you then I will," Elijah says and Ophelia couldn't help but laugh and Klaus grinned from behind her

"Even before your mother cursed us, i could beat you, this wouldn't be the first time for us having a fight, and you should remember who wins" Ophelia says and goes to walk over to Klaus but Elijah speed steps in front of him

"Why would you help him? he threw Kol into the seas and scattered the rest of our family," Elijah says in confusion

"he is going to help me find them" Ophelia growls, her eyes flashing red and it was obvious that she was getting angry very quickly, she always did have a short temper, Elijah was surprised when she ended up with Kol because generally in a relationship, if two people had short tempers, then it didn't end very well, but they had been together for over a thousand years and while they argued a lot, not once did they end their relationship, if anything it only made their bond, even more, stronger "you really choose these imbeciles over your own family? wow Elijah, how very noble of you"

"He has ruined our family Ophelia" Elijah continues and she rolls her eyes and walks towards Klaus, purposely bumping into Elijah's shoulder as she did so, though she was a lot shorter than him she had a lot of strength

Elijah grabbed her wrist to stop her but she turned around, her eyes glowing red and she grabbed his wrist, applying pressure, Elijah knew she was stronger than him but he didn't want to show it, however as she squeezed tighter his face went pale and the pain was starting to show 

"careful brother, you wouldn't want Kol finding out that you were putting your hands on her" Klaus says with a smirk as he tried to stand up but bonnies magic was still affecting him

"i can take care of myself" Ophelia growls and she felt Elijahs wrist snap in her hand and his grip on her loosened and she stared up at him with a wicked glare "now get out of my fucking way before i do the same thing to your fucking neck"

Elijah nodded and moved out of the way and then Ophelia made her way to Niklaus and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and helped him stand up "i didn't throw them out to sea" Niklaus suddenly says and the other two look at him in confusion and disbelief, surely he was lying to them

"i lied before, i didn't throw them out to see, i have them and i know where they are, i can take you to them, then we can be a family again" Klaus says and neither of them believed him at first but he had a shine in his eye and the two suddenly knew that he was telling them the truth and they couldn't help but feel their insides warm-up, they were finally going to see their family again and Ophelia was finally going to be reunited with Kol

"now lets get out of here" Ophelia says and then they all run away, leaving the two unconscious vampires, one unconscious witch and 4 dead bodies behind. Ophelia finds a clearing and then places Klaus on the ground and Klaus suddenly began to continue to turn into a wolf, it was painful for them to watch and Ophelia knew how painful it would be for him, the first few times that she turned into a wolf, had hurt a lot but thanks to her being the type of werewolf that she was, it didn't hurt anymore and she could turn into her wolf form whenever she wanted to 

Ophelia walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder and suddenly black veins traced from his skin up his arm and the pain began to leave him and instead the girl fell to the ground, grunts of pain escaping her mouth, soon turning to loud wimpers and cries as she took the pain from him

"Phelie, stop ill be fine" Klaus says and then Ophelia turns to look at ELijah 

"You need to get out of here, ill stay with him" she growls, her eyes now staying their alpha red as she continued to take Klaus' pain. ELijah nodded his head and ran, and finally Klaus turned into his wolf form and Ophelia copied his actions. He was red withe white on his stomach while she was a white wolf, her fur looked like snow and she had black fur on her back left paw. You could tell that they were different kinds of werewolves by their eyes. Werewolfs like Klaus, the ones that were forced to change on the full moon had regular wolf eyes, however luckily for Klaus he was a hybrid so he could change whenever he wanted to after this. Wolfs like Ophelia however (beacon hills werewolf) had different colour eyes based on their status and whether they had killed anyone. Yellow eyes meant that the werewolf was a beta that hadn't killed anyone, blue eyes meant Beta that had killed, Dark red meant alpha and Light red like Ellas, the most rarest kind, Meant the true Alpha.

There is only a one new true alpha every 100 years and Ophelia was born a wolf, she had become a true Alpha at 9, which was the earliest age in history that someone had become a true alpha. True alphas don't need to kill an alpha to become an alpha, wereas normal betas would become alpha only after killing one. Ophelia had killed thousands of people and yet somehow she was a true alpha, true alphas were the rarest kind of wolf and they were chosen by the ancestors to do great things, currently she had left her pack in the hands of Scott Mccall, a young teenager who she believed had the potential of becoming a true alpha, and she hoped that he would become their alpha.

Klaus looked at her with his wolf eyes and she knew that he had no control, after tonight he would, so she decided to stay with him and make sure that nothing happened to him and that he didn't go too crazy. 

She had a long night of babysitting ahead of her

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