Chapter 2

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Ophelia sat on the couch of the Salvatore household, she knew that it wouldn't be long until the first Mikaelson showed up and she couldn't help but feel excited about it. She hadn't seen Kol in a century and she hadn't seen any of the mikaelsons in at least 50 years, she hated to admit it but she did miss all of the siblings, well she didn't really miss finn but that was just a given.

Ophelia was basically a Mikaelson, her and Rebekah were as close as close can be, they were best friends while Elijah and Klaus saw the girl as their younger sister that they had to protect. Ophelia and Finn were never close, and besides, most of the time, he was just locked up in a coffin. her relationship with Kol on the other hand was very different, her and Kol were what people liked to call Soulmates. Kol was the gasoline and Ophelia was the spark, together the caused destruction. Klaus daggered Kol a lot however, he couldn't dagger Ophelia, because it would kill her, she was different to them besides Ophelia was a lot less psychotic than Kol, she just liked to join in on the fun.

Elena was sitting on the couch opposite to her holding a necklace but Elena was more focused on the girl that was sitting ahead of her. Ophelia was just reading a book with a cup of bourbon in her hand, she felt Elenas gaze on her but she couldn't care less

"was that Isobels?" Stefan asks Elena as he walks into the room and Elena quickly stands up and walks over to Stefan

"I never thought that I would feel bad about her being dead, and yet" Elena says

"Well of course you would care, she was your mother" Ophelia says with a sigh and places her book down on the table and then quickly chugs what was left of her drink

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Elena asks, she didn't mean to sound rude but it defiantly came off that way but Ophelia couldn't care less

"Im Ophelia" Ophelia says with a grin and Elena could hear her strong British accent "its a pleasure to meet you"

"How come I have never seen you before?" Elena asks and her and Stefan both take a seat on the couch and look at the girl

"Well I used to live here, I just came back to visit, im meeting some people here, though they wont be here for a few days unfortunately. Fortunantly, the Salvatore brothers are allowing me to stay here for a while" Ophelia says

"Are you a Vampire?" Elena asks

"Are you a survey card?" Ophelia asks back and then Ophelia sits down on the couch and lets out a sigh "look, Klaus is after you, he knows you're the doppleganger and he knows that you don't want to become a vampire, which is lucky for him, he needs you to be human. He also knows that you have you're little boy toys watching out for you"

"How do you know about Klaus?" Elena asks and Ophelia just shrugs her shoulders and then Stefan leans forward and stares down the girl who was sitting on the couch with a smirk on her face and he asks her "how do we know that you are on our side"

"Klaus has something that is very important to me and I want... scratch that, I need it back, so from what I can see, we are on the same side here" Ophelia says and then Damon walks into the room and Ophelia continues talking "Klaus also knows that you aren't going to run, Mystic falls is your home and you have no plan on leaving"

"which is why Ophelia and I came up with some precausions" Damon says and sits down on the couch next to Ophelia and then reaches over and places a handful of paper on Elena's lap "because we got played, all of us"

Ophelias hand shoots into the air "actually, I didn't"

They ignored her which made the girl pout a little

"whats this?" Elena says as she looks down at the papers

"Its the deed to our house. In zachs name" Damon says

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