Chapter 14

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"Ophelia, my favourite original, however i must admit i should have known you were an original from the start" Damon says with a grin as he approaches Ophelia and Elijah

"well, to be fair, i did hide my potential, but what can i say, i do love games and there is always time for games" Ophelia says and shrugs her shoulders with a grin "and i must say, you definitely are my favourite Salvatore brother, in fact you were the only one i liked out of your whole little 'clique' thingy"

"So Ophelia and Elijah, back from the dead, the two of you clean up nice, well Elijah cleaned up nice and you just look like a sexy punk rock princess" Damon said with a sly grin as he looked at the two originals. Elijah was wearing a suit while Ophelia was in Black ripped jeans, Black converse and a black sleeveless band tee

"careful Dames," Ophelia said with a grin

"oh yeah, is that boyfriend of yours listening in, cause you've told me about him a few times but i haven't seen him, the way you described him I'm surprised he left your side, seems real exciting, protective and fun" Damon says

"well he's definitely an angel I'll tell you that, but he was taken from me" Ophelia said and looked down at the ground for a minute before looking back at Damon "but I'm sure I'll see him again soon"

Damon looked confused but then Elijah stept forward towards Damon "you left something in my jacket pocket" he pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and reaches it out towards Damon

"oh yeah" Damon says "dear Elijah, lets get together, plot the destruction of your brother, oh and bring that darlinf Ophelia, she happens to be good company and shes to only person left around who is boring. XOXO"

"damon" Elijah says telling Damon that the conversation that they were about to have was going to be serious

"was i right to undagger you?" Damon asked softly and then looked towards the girl and he was honest, he really did miss the girls company and in the short period of time that she was helping them, the two of them did get close and she made him feel free "...or are we going to have a problem?"

"well we are here, lets talk" Elijah says and shrugs his shoulders

"well i will start with an Easy question. Any idea what kind of klaus killing weapon could be sealed in a mystery coffin?" Damon asks and then the two oringinals shared a look with each other and they knew exactly what, or more like who, was inside the coffin.

"So is anyone going to say anything or are we just going to stand here?" Damon asks with a sarcastic grin

"we know exactly what is in the coffin and i have a plan, that i think would work out to be extremely beneficial to all of us and extremely un-beneficial to Niklaus" Ophelia says with a grin

Ophelia pulled open the front door of the new Mikaelson mansion and was greeted by the faces of the two Salvatore brothers 

"welcome gentleman" Ophelia says to the two boys and sends a small almost unnoticable nod to Damon, the girl then turns her head slightly to call out to Klaus and Elijah "Nik, Lij. Our guests have arrived" she stood out of the way and let the brothers walk in.

Once both of the boys were inside Ophelia shut the door and Niklaus greeted them "Damon, Stefan. Elijah and Ophelia tell me that you seek an audience, that is very bold of you. Lets discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised men and proper young ladies shall we" Klaus says with a grin and then gestures for all of them to sit down at the table

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