Alright so.
Not really a lot had happened in this type book from my previous account, and I've done nothing about the book since I don't have much faith in this account, but I honestly do this for fun.
So I'm gonan bring this back since My lover...
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Amy: " I do sing every so often, I usually sing to myself buuuut. When my kids were just newborns, I would sing to them when they get very upset or can't sleep. It would calm them down and put them to sleep. I wish I still do, but, I don't really think they would want that anymore. I do sometimes sing the song me and my husband dance to every so often, I do love singing some songs in my other languages. ^//^;"
Lizzie: " *she paused before clearing her throat* I do it. . To myself, as very little as possible. I used to love singing but, I guess even stagefright got the best of me. I don't even let my own wife know I sing, It's fucking embarrassing. =//=;;; "
Sierra: " . . . I can't help iiiit-!! Miss Andi's songs are so creative-!! I would sometimes take some of her notes that she throws away and hide them, so I would sing some of them-- I don't know if she has noticed, since I sadly don't sing around her. I used to be in choir, but ever since one of the incidents, I always showed the impression of me HATING the thought of singing. . "
Red; " Hmm. . I will say I sing very rarely. I do remember singing. . Maybe a few times when Niko and I danced. I rarely do since, My throat does hurt afterwards. I don't check it up, It's not really important."
Willow: " No, I don't sing. It. . Brings memories I can't handle remembering of my big sister. *he started shaking* . . . I would sing only to her as a child but. . . . *he went silent* . . Not anymore."
Clara: " Nah, I hate singing in front of people. I like humming, but singing is different. Just someone staring at you while you're just wanting to sing is just. . . Gross to me. Don't know why. "
Sophie: " . . . I sing very little. I would sing. . Some songs from Tim Burton movies and Blackpink with Kelly-! I was very scared of singing, at first. Since I didn't know the English version and. . Ever since the incident with a table I helped with years ago, I was scared to speak English until I could speak it correctly. . I'm doing better but. . I was really really scared and upset. . But I'm better. "
Harper: " I openly sing, I fucking love it. My papa and I would always sing when he was alive. . . *she sighed* I miss him, but I sing, in his honor. - Kaleb: " I would when I work, but I made it seem like I can't sing to everyone else. I'm just a surprise waiting to happen."
Daniel: " Nope! Hate it! ^^"
Xeno: " . . I uses to sing to my little girl to put her to sleep, she always had nightmares. . Now I sing sometimes to myself, It makes me Express myself in a way . . "
Lucy: " . . . . *she signed* "I used I could. . Along with speak. . It's upsetting for me to want to sing when I have no voice. " - Mimi: " . . . Sing-?"