Chapter One : The First Encounter

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• • • Y/N POV • • •

"1, 2, 3." Kouyou counted to the tune of the music which hummed in the background. "Head up high!" She clapped.

"Lady Y/N." The hushed voice of Gin called out from the entrance of the ballroom where I was practicing the steps to a waltz.

"Yes?" I called, whilst doing each step to perfection. In my eyes, I have never known anything more boring than perfection, I enjoy the little mistakes which push me into a learning pit, figuratively of course.

"Your father requests your and Elise's presence." She bows. My smaller blonde sister ran up to me with a smile and grabbed my hand.

"Thank you. May I be excused?" I asked Kouyou. She smiled kindly, a motherly smile.

"Yes of course, I don't see why you needed my help anyway. You do everything with such perfection." She insisted, I would love to disagree but it's easier to just smile and wave.

"Thank you." I nodded in her direction. Elise skipped lightly while squeezing my hand, Gin walked in front of us and knocked on the door of the throne room.

"Your Highness." Gin bowed. "Your daughters, Lady Y/N and Lady Elise, are here." She nodded and walked away, while patting down the fabric of her apron that lightly stuck up.

I gave the hand of Elise a small squeeze and let go, bowing to our father. When I was younger, perhaps Elise's age I was able to be jumpy and call him 'Rintarou' however now that I'm a proper lady, I'm forced into ladylike habits such as bowing.

"My darling daughters." Our father said with his usual smile. "I've decided to hold, perhaps, a ball." He smiled widely, eyeing Elise. Most likely thinking about what dress she is to wear.

"Father, if you don't mind my asking, what's the occasion?" I bowed my head, he nodded and smiled even bigger.

"Glad you asked." He smiled brighter than before, his eyes tracing Elise and I. "Since I was married to your mother when I turned your age, and then she gave birth to you after our wedding, I figured you'd do the same."

"I see." I pressed my lips into a frown, understanding exactly what he meant, Elise grabbed my hand and pulled me down to her height, which wasn't very much of a pull.

"Y/N-chan! What does that mean?" Elise hummed in my ear. I laughed with a smile.

"Elise-chan, it means that he's trying to find me a husband and he only just told me." Sour undertones dripping from my voice and glares thrown towards my father who sat high and mighty on his throne.

"But that's not fair! I want you to stay!" Elise complained, she was Mori's special ability however we were more like sisters and everyone referred to her as my sister anyway, it was better that way anyway.

"Elise! My favourite person on this earth." I smiled sweetly while kneeling to match her height. "It's my duty as a princess to marry and help this kingdom." Elise huffed.

"Elise-chan, don't worry! She won't be going anywhere!" Mori smiled brightly, Elise smiled and clapped her hands together as a sign of excitement. "I thought I should also tell you that I've assigned a knight to look over you during this time."

"May I ask why?" I raised an eyebrow in the direction of my father.

"Because, you need protection especially since you and Elise-chan are going out together to buy dresses!" He gushed, Elise turned to me a small look of annoyance on her face.

"We'll get sweets and more parchment for your drawings." I whispered into her ear. "All you have to do is get more dresses and look pretty for Rintarou." I whispered to her; attempting to give her reasoning.

"Fine." She huffed, distaste imprinted on her features. Her blue eyes gazing at me and then back at our father. I pat her on the head while standing back up.

"Good." Mori smiled brightly, the excitement could be seen from miles away. "Chuuya!" Mori yelled. A man, maybe a little taller than I, dressed in shiny, silver armour without the helmet. His red-orange hair ruffled a small bit and pulled to one side, his eyes blue like the Atlantic and swirling emotions that sparkled in his gorgeous eyes. "You've met Chuuya, no?" He said motioning to the kneeling man.

"I haven't actually." I admitted. Chuuya looked towards me with his gazing eyes, he was clearly scrutinising my features.

"Well, he'll be accompanying you to town." My father smiled and told Chuuya to look after us while we went to find dresses that would suffice. My father threw me a small bag with a large amount of gold in it. "Have fun girls!" He smiled.

Chuuya put his arm out and motioned for us to walk in front of him.

"Why wouldn't you walk in front?" Elise asked, a glare fixed onto his taller silhouette.

"Most attacks occur from behind, we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?" He stated, an annoyed tone dripping from his words.

"I see, you're quite knowledgeable. Aren't you?" I said looking behind towards him with a smile, a small blush heated up his cheeks. "How come I haven't seen you around? How long have you worked here?" I asked with a smile.

"I've worked here for seven years, since I was fifteen." He stated. "I've seen you dance once." He said, unbothered.

"I see, perhaps you should dance with me at the ball tonight." I smiled brightly, while grabbing Elise and walking next to him. "Wouldn't it be safer if we walked with you?"

"I- uh.. sure." Chuuya's cheeks were barely dusted with a light pink. He turned his head to face the front and kept his composure.

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