Chapter Nine : Russia

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• • • Y/N POV • • •

Upon popular belief, I'm happy. However, in reality, not so much. We had told my father of our plans, Fyodor and I fleeing the country and getting married in Russia. Unfortunately my father has to stay and represent the war.

Fyodor and I had spent weeks on a boat, to even more in a god forsaken carriage, truely an annoyance. I don't wish to spend another moment cooped up in this carriage.

"Your Russian, how fluent would you say you are?" Fyodor asked, making conversation.

"I feel as though I know quite a lot, not completely fluent, rather, on my way." I explained. We had arrived in the castle many moons after.

It was cold and I was dressed in fur coats, keeping the cold winters air out and the heat my body supplied in. I was absolutely criticised in Russia. It was absolutely insane.

Russians would party like there was no tomorrow, after taking a vodka shot they break the glass and yell 'huzzah' what on earth is that about?

"Stunning really." One of Fyodor's friends, nudging me slightly. Fyodor snapped his fingers.

"Hands off my bride." He said with an angry smile. His mate laughed and shook his head, he took a shot of vodka and smiling.

"Do all Russians drink so much?" I said in clenched teeth. "One day I'm going to give birth to one, oh fuck me." I whispered the last part, realisation sinking in.

"Yes you will, but first you're giving birth to a Japanese." He kissed the top my head, laughing at his own comment.

"Yes, a thousand and one apologies my love." I joked while scoffing. Fyodor loudly laughed, a booming laugh. The sort of laugh you would expect someone of his status to have.

A night before our wedding a woman, I had learnt to become friends with, named Lady Elena, had informed me of spectacular things.

"What- what uh, do I have to do as a wife and Empress?" I asked.

"Well, for starters I suggest becoming friends with Dukes Nathaniel, Ivan and Alexander." She informed, looking sweetly at me.

"I see." I said, concern washing over me entirely.

"Womanly traits, I'm sure you can guess." She laughed, making me stare wide-eyed at her. "What? You are the Emperor's fiancée, soon-to-be wife."

"Jesus Christ." I hummed. "I- I don't know if I can do this." I had quick and short breaths. Leaving me to worry even further about this.

"Don't worry." She smiled. "You don't have to pleasure him, naturally." My face twisted in embarrassment. "Only difference is children, being barren would prove you useless." She warned.

"I see, you won't have to worry about that . I'll try my hardest to give Russia an heir." I nodded and smiled.

"I sure hope, you truely are a kind hearted person. I like you." She seemed proud of me. Her silk gown pressing to her sides. "Besides Peter the Third had many mistresses, his wife had affairs as well." She informed. "Meaning it's unimportant." She shrugged.

"Thank you." I solemnly nodded. "I think this is the start to a wonderful friendship." I put out my hand and she gracefully shook my hand.

"I must agree." She smiled, we nodded and decided on speaking for hours. Laughing, she was drinking alcohol and I drank tea, enjoying our time together she passed out on my bed.

"The reason grooms and brides aren't allowed to see their further spouse is because it was worried that they would run away. Far, far away. Quite frankly, I would." I laughed. Stroking strands of hair away from her face as I mentioned my woes.

I got up and paced around my room, looking at cream coloured walls I had no attachment too. Knowing I had no right to be here, Fyodor was just as bad as Chuuya and I, the perpetrators, for not doing anything about our acts of passion.

"I would run to Italy, Chuuya, myself and our future baby, together. Drinking wine and smoking cigars while watching our children run around in the hills of Rome or perhaps Sicily." I laughed while smiling. "Free of royalty, demeaning conversations which drive me wild. Freedom for us, not having to deal with the disgusting society of nobility, that look down upon me in my every mean."

I sighed, sitting down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and blanket for a comfortable rest. I decided that I was far too cold, taking my pillow and blanket I sat by the fire and set up my bed there.

I didn't sleep that night, I stared up at the ceiling, watching the minutes pass by. Feeling the emptiness in my stomach gnaw away at my morals, my hope and my composure. Feeling tears run down my face I didn't expect to receive.

"Fuck this. Fuck this to the moon." I whispered to myself, feeling my tears run faster and my facade drop. My walls crumbling as I break down in a foreign room.

The woman that was so kind to me would never understand, the only that could possibly understand. However, there's always Fyodor. I watched the dark blues of the night turn into beautiful mellow oranges, pinks and yellows. The cold temperatures dropping even further.

I got up, the cold floor making my sleep even more uncomfortable. I got up and crashed onto the bed next to Elena, I continued to look up at the fabric that cascaded from the top of my bed. The silky and linen warm blankets which warmed my being. I put a hand on Elena's hand, she felt cold. Far too cold. So I rushed out of bed and swaddled her in blankets, and put my fur coat around her for good measure.

Happy with my work I went back to my blankets and continued to fret about the events that would be occurring in only a matter of time.

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