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Yall can do everything but follow me🌚
But anyway- everyone's updating so I decided I would. WHAT HAPPENED TO TOP DROPPING THAT SONG I SET MY ALARM TO WAKE UP FOR THAT SHIT! smh.
Y'all see everybody crybaby challenge? They don't ever need to do it again #respectfully

 Y'all see everybody crybaby challenge? They don't ever need to do it again #respectfully ________________________________

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Amiya winced as soon as the cotton
ball came in contact with the cut on
her heel


"The screaming is unnecessary."
savannah mumbled

Savannah had wished that twix
came and picked her up instead of
going to kentrells without her.

"I can't help it," amiya whined
taking a swig from the Hennessy
bottle that sat in her hands and
holding the frozen bag of broccoli in
the other.

Hennessey was one of her best friends, aside from the two girls with
who she was becoming closer to.

"you need anything?" twix asked from
beside amiya who was getting her
foot cleaned by savannah

"I know she better not say I don't love
her." savannah mumbled from the
end of the couch where she was
holding up amiyas foot towards the light

Amiya shook her head and laughed.

"I think you might need stitches."
savannah announced after.
getting then glass that was deep in
amiyas heel

"let's hope not," amiya said sighing

The whole week her mind had been on kentrell. She'd forever want to be with kentrell. It wasn't his fault that she was tossed around like a rag doll.

She wouldn't get as far as getting a
boyfriend just to leave him for
kentrell, who always seemed to play her

(Please don't leave yo nigga for lit top, no. Cuz that a 🐍 ___ _ ____ ______ __ __ _____)

Kentrell knew she was probably the
one he should be with, he just didn't
want to accept it.

Kentrell wasn't who everyone saw on the internet, he was much more than that. Everywhere he went he was surrounded by people that couldn't give two fucks for him. But being with amiya made him feel something.

Kd ran down the steps seeing the
three girls speaking with each other.

"Where are you going off too?" twix asked chewing on her sour gummy worms

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