Chapter 29

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I can't stop shaking my leg in anticipation as we wait on the witch to get here. We didn't want to carry him all the way back to the boarding house so we have him tied down to his own kitchen counter. We stuck a couple more syringes of vervain into him so he's weak when he wakes up. It's over an hour before the witch even arrives at the house and Vincent starts to wake up. He stirs around on the counter as Blake opens the front door and I watch as a blonde-haired, brown-eyed woman walks into the living room with two tall, dark, and handsome men and another woman behind her. 

"Hello, Blake. I brought me some extra help." She looks back at her two witch friends 

"Mia, this is Katerina Petrova and Stefan Salvatore. The guy on the counter is my brother and the guy on the couch is the person you're resurrecting tonight, Damon Salvatore. How soon can we get started?" He asks 

"Is he conscious?" 

"He's just now waking up. Before we get started, I know you witches always want something in return so what is it?" I question 

"No payment needed. I owe Blake a couple of favors and he cashed one of them in for me to do this." She states 

I turn to blake and he shrugs his shoulders. "I saw how broken you were about his death so I thought I would do something nice. Plus, I hope it somewhat makes up for what happened five hundred years ago." 

"To get started, we have to bring Damon and put him on the table next to him and connect their hands together. We'll need to cut a slice in each of their hands, I'll try to get some blood out of Damon." 

Stefan and I bring Damon and do as she says, Vincent very much weak. Just like I wanted. She does a tiny little spell to get whatever bit of blood Damon has left. Vincent finally opens his eyes and groans in pain. 

"What are you doing to me, Katerina?" He asks groggily 

"I'm going to make you human and then I'm going to kill you. Tonight Vincent, you die."  

"Let's get started." Mia says 

The woman and two men go to separate places around the counter and table and join hands. The candles flicker and cast their shadows against the wall and they started chanting. 

"Phestmatos tribum,  exos vinium caveat raison. Phestmatos tribum, exos vinium caveat raison." 

As they are all chanting the flames of the candles blows higher and the wind starts to blow even though the windows are closed. Vincent struggles against the ropes but I can tell it's just tiring him down. 

"Katerina! I will kill you and everyone you've ever met!" He shouts at me 

"You see, Vincent, you've already done that. You aren't winning this time, this time I win." I smile at him

He jumps up at me but I don't flinch because he's too weak to be able to hurt me. 

"Blake! I need you to hold his head, he's trying to resist." Mia says to him as the others chant

Blake walks over and places his hands on opposite sides of his head and squeezes just enough for Vincent's head to stop moving. The flames get higher and the wind gets stronger as it blows around our hair and loose papers Vincent has around his house. After what feels like forever aI look over to see that both Damon and Vincent's eyes are open and they are both fully white. I watch as black veins run from Vincent's body and travel up Damon's arm, through his chest and it moves towards his heart. Both of their chests bow up as Mia continues to chant. 

"Phestmatos tribum, exos vinium caveat raison. Phestmatos tribum, exos vinium caveat raison. Phestmatos tribum, exos vinium caveat raison. Phestmatos tribum, exos vinium caveat raison!" 

They shout louder and louder as they continue just before the candles blow up and everything goes black except for the faintness of the street light. There is no more chanting as I hear a big gasp of breath and I immediately look over to Damon as he shoots up. He looks around and stares straight at me but I can see his face covered in confusion. 

"Katherine?" He asks as he passes out 


Blake goes around the kitchen counter and table and turns on the lights and looks over to his brother. He grabs his hand and smiles as he looks at it. 

"He's not healing, does that mean it worked?" He turns to Mia  

"It worked, Damon should wake up within the next day or so and you can do with your brother what you want. You've got a favor left Blake, use it wisely." She turns to me and speaks again "When I put Vincent's vampire essence into him it gave him all of his characteristics." 

"What does that mean?" I ask

"He'll have his thousand-year-old abilities. Better senses, better speed and strength, and the ability to compel other vampires. Oh and one more thing, he also won't die like a regular vampire. Consider your friend immortal." 

We walk them out and I turn back to Blake and Stefan. I can tell they both have a couple of questions and they think I can answer them. 

"That was some news. At least Vincent is killable now, right?" 

We all turn to Vincent as he stirs awake. He tries to get out of the ropes but ultimately fails. I walk over to him and my mouth turns into a wide smile. 

"Why can't I get out of these ropes, why is my hand not healing?" He asks 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so many questions Vincent. I told you that you were dying tonight and I meant that." 

I untie him and push him off the counter and onto the floor. He groans in pain as I continue to smile at him. He tries to get up but can't so he decides to crawl away. He's slow now and I can't help but feel happy about it. I grab him by his hair and pull him up, dragging him into a bigger space.  

"Come on Vincent, let me show you what it's like to be weak." I smirk 

He lets out a yell as he runs towards me, wrapping hands around my waist, and slams me to the ground. "That was pretty good, I'll admit." I chuckle 

"This is for my family!" I get up and shove him into the wall. "This is for my daughter!" I yell towards him before I kick him in the stomach, making him stumble back. "Come on!" I shout at him

He tries to tackle me again but with one slight move, he falls into the wall and hits his head. He's a little off-balance as he gets up and he connects his fist with my face, knocking my jaw to the side. I wipe the blood off and laugh at him, spitting it in his face. I think I've had my fun and now it's time to kill him. I speed over to him, pinning him to the wall by the throat and I shove my hand into his chest cavity. 

"Any last words, Vincent?" I asked cocking my head to the side 

"I'll see you in hell, Katerina." 

Without another word I twist and pull his heart right from him. I drop it to the floor and look over Vincent's now dead body. Everything he has ever done to hurt me was now over and I could finally move on. All the pain and suffering suddenly disappeared and then I was filled with relief and happiness. I wash my hands and walk back towards Blake and Stefan who are staring at me in disbelief. 

"Come on, let's take Damon home."  

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