Chapter 15

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Katherine's POV

I just keep my eye on Elena as I walk down the stairs to stand next to them. 

"Are you okay?" Damon asks me 

"Do you care?" I ask with anger as I walk past them, bumping into Damon

I walk straight to an unconscious Stefan. I kneel down next to him and that's when he pops up with a gasp. He looks straight at me and smiles. 


I smile back at him and his eyes widen and looks at me intensely. 

"You're crying, why? Are you okay?" He asks sincerely  

I glare at Damon as I answer Stefan's question. 

"That's so nice of you to care. The truth is that, I'm NOT okay..." I make sure Damon gets the message  "Stefan. Thank you for ACTUALLY caring." I look away from Damon and back at Stefan 

I think Elena noticed the anger radiating from me because I can hear her shifting her body weight from the uncomfortable situation. I just keep my eyes on Stefan as he rubs his neck. 

"I almost forgot to ask, Are you okay?" 

"Beside from the broken neck and the fact that I see that you're angry and hurt, unlike some people, I'm okay. Want to tell me what happened?" 

"Vincent... he hurt me. I get very scared when he's around and emotional. I might have had a moment of weakness. I have been crying here a lot, this is like the fourth time." I let out a little laugh 

"I'll kill him." Stefan rushes to get up 

"No, you won't. I have about 36 hours till I need to leave... with Vincent." 

"What!? Are you fucking crazy?" Damon raises his voice at me 

"What, Damon. Care now?" I ask sarcastically 

"I've always cared Katherine! Stop making it seem like I don't!" 

"Do you though? A mere few minutes after Vincent killed your brother and attacked me you go and make out with Elena. Doesn't seem like you care to me." I look away from him 

"Katherine... I was the one who kissed him." Elena speaks up 

I turn to her and look her up and down again. "It doesn't matter who kissed who, the point is no one should be kissing AT ALL!" 

"Jealous, Katherine?" Damon asked cocking his head at her 

"Yes, I'm jealous. Because that's the most pressing concern at the moment, my jealousy! Stefan almost died, you almost died and you're here making out with your girlfriend. Don't tell me you care." I walk a little farther away from Damon and closer to Stefan

"Katherine... I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"Didn't what? Didn't think? Vincent is a very old and very strong vampire. He killed you once and tonight he threatened to kill you again, only this time it will be permanent. So all you ever should do is think. Or you'll get you and your brother killed." I finish my speech 

"What are we going to do about him?" Stefan asks 

"Ya'll are doing nothing. I'm going to leave with him tomorrow and you guys can move on with your lives. That way you won't die because of me, AGAIN." 

"Like I said earlier, Are you fucking crazy?" Damon raises his brows at me 

"Do you want to die? Hm?" I ask

"No, but I also don't want you running off with him."

"What if we call Blake?" Stefan suggests 

I turn to him a surprised look. "Stefan, you're a genius." 

I speed over to him and plant a big kiss on his lips, after a few seconds I pull away and just look at him. I clear my throat and begin to speak "The only person as strong as Vincent is Blake and Blake hates Vincent. Genius." I smile 

"I thought you hated Blake too?" Damon looks at me

"Wait- who is Blake?" We all turn to the curious Elena 

"A part of the story I left out, Blake is Vincent's bastard brother or at least that's what Vincent calls him. They've hated each other for centuries. And yes Damon, I hate him too just not as much as Vincent. And shoot, I don't have his number." 

"Didn't you say that when Blake is somewhere, Vincent isn't too far behind? Like in 1864?" Stefan remembered 

"Then that means Blake is already in town. We have to find him before tomorrow night, or I'm for less of a better word, fucked." 

"Katherine, you can't." Damon speaks up 

"And why not? You don't want me leaving with Vincent for some odd reason, Blake is our best option." 

"No, he's not! You think you have this all planned out, but you don't. Blake can't be trusted, he showed us that in 1864. Blake is the exact reason why Vincent came to Mystic Falls, why Vincent killed my brother and I." 

"What are you even talking about?" I ask. 

"Vincent is so caught up with this feud between him and his brother and Blake is so caught up with you. If it wasn't for Blake following you to Mystic Falls then Vincent wouldn't have killed us."

"I would have killed you! Either way you would still end up dead and still end up a vampire. So tell me the real reason why you don't want us to try to contact Blake. What is your big rea-" 

"Because I love you!" He shouts at me. 

The room went silent after that and Damon looks towards the ground. Elena's mouth drops at the comment as she lets out a gasp. Elena glares at Damon and shakes her head "I did not see that coming." She comments 

"I don't think any of us did, not even Damon." Stefan speaks up

I pull out my phone and start dialing in my keypad. "What are you doing?" Elena asks 

"I'm getting my contact in Mystic Falls to help find him." 

I finish dialing and after three rings a woman answers the phone. "Pearl, I need a favor." 

I see the looks exchanged between Damon and Stefan as they realize who I'm talking to. 

"I need you to find Blake King... Yes, he's in town... Yes, so is Vincent... I know that I should leave Pearl but you know how much I love it here in Mystic Falls... Yeah, we'll meet you there... Stefan, Damon, and I... He killed them, I think they should have the chance to get to do the same to him... Fine, I'll come alone... Thank You, Pearl." I hang up and put the phone back in my pocket.

"You can't go alone." Damon finally speaks from his silence

"I can and I will. I'll be back." I go and grab my keys and start to head out 

Damon runs over to me and grips my arm. I look him head to toe and I can see the sadness in his eyes. 

"Please..." He begs 

I quickly wrap my arms around him and bring him into a hug. 

"I love you too, Damon." I whisper into his ear

Right before I snap his neck. 

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