When You're Upset

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As you walked home early from school, you kept hearing your bullies behind you.

"Where ya goin'" one asked.

"She's going to cry to her mommy like a pathetic bitch." Another yelled. One of them pushed you down.

"I hope you know your family doesn't love you. Nobody loves you, nobody will. You're a fat, ugly, worthless cunt and you need to kill yourself." She whispered, smirking as she punched and kicked you around.

"THAT'S FUCKING IT!!!" You screamed as you scratched her face. "I'm done taking your fucking shit you slut!!!" You punched her in her make up covered face. You ran to the nearest alley and climbed down the manhole. You ran to the lair and into Leo's room. You looked in his mirror and examined yourself. You started to cry.




Kill yourself

You cried harder and dropped onto Leo's bed. You heard the door open and suddenly Leo was hugging you tightly.

"Sweetheart what's wrong why are you crying baby girl?" He rubbed your back soothingly.

"B-bullie-es... at scho-ool." You cried into his chest. "I-I know they're te-telling the truth! I see it too!"

"No baby we what'd they say?" He asked, running his fingers through your hair.

"Fat.. ugly.. worthless.. nobody will ever love me... I need to... kill m-myself..." you cried hard. He widened his eyes.

"(Y/N), look at me. You're beautiful. Perfectly curvy. You mean the world to me. I love you with all my heart. You need to not kill yourself." He said, stroking your face. You looked into his eyes.

"I love you too Leo-bear.." You whispered and kissed him lightly.


"You're worthless. You're stupid. You're fat. I never want to see you again. Ugly fat cunt." Your best friend of ten years yelled in your face. She was in with the popular girls now. Tears welled up in your eyes.


You ran to the lair with tears streaming down your face. Not only did you no longer have your best friend, but she completely betrayed you. She said all those hurtful things to you. You ran to Raph's room. On his bed you found a note.

I saw what happened babe. We're on patrol right now, but when I get back I'll take care of you. I love you



You smiled slightly at the end.

When Raph got back, he whispered sweet and comforting things in your ear all night. You cuddled for hours on end, kissing every once in a while. You actually forgot about your problems while in his big arms.


You were standing in chemistry class trying to finish an experiment when three dumb guys came up and shoved you.

"Hey nerd." One said. You rolled your eyes.

"Go away, asshole." You sighed. Another one slapped your ass.

"For a dumb ugly nerd, she got a fine ass." He snickered. You spun around and slapped him.

"Don't fucking touch my ass you freaks!" You growled. They all laughed.

"We're the freaks? Look at the dumb nerdy bitch. Tries to--"

"That's an oxymoron, dumb shit." You sneered. He punched you.

"Shut up you fat whore." They laughed and walked away. Tears welled up in your eyes. As the bell rang, you ran to the nearest manhole and lifted the cover. You climbed in and ran for the lair. Donnie ran out of his lab and to you. He picked you up and set you on his lap as he sat on the couch.

"Now tell me what happened darling." He whispered as he stroked your hair.

"I-I'm always getting b-bullied by the same guys. They actually.. hit m-me.." you whimpered.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned. You nodded.

"O-one smacked my ass and one punched me. And they called me a dumb fat whore" you sniffled.

"Darling. You're not dumb, you're not fat, and I'm pretty sure you're not a whore." He stroked your face. "Send them to me I'll take care of them." You giggled.

"I love you Donnie-baby." You said, smiling wide.

"I love you too." He smiled as well.


You couldn't perfect the tricks you had tried teaching yourself. You were skating at the park. You threw your board and grunted as you saw Mikey walk toward you wearing a dull orange hoodie and blue jeans.

"Angelcakes? Whats wrong?" He asked as he approached you. You sat and pouted, tearing up in frustration.

"I FINALLY figured out the 720 twist and I can't! Freaking! Do! It!!" You yelled, stomping your feet at each word. He place his hand on your shoulder.

"Dudette, I'll help you. Don't blame the board!" He hugged you.

"You'll help me perfect the 720 twist?" You asked, hugging him back.

"Uh duh!" He joked. You playfully shoved him and kissed him.

"Thank you Mikestar!" You smiled wider and ran to grab your skateboard.

(A/N sorry dudettes about taking so long. I've been stressed to the max. LOts of shit happened today.)

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