His Brother Hurts You

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Raph was chasing after Mikey quite loudly because Mikey had pranked him hard. You rubbed your temples as you were getting a headache. You groaned.

"Raphael!!" You yelled. "Stop chasing Mikey and shut the hell up!!" He looked at you and rolled his eyes.

"Oh you're the boss now?" He mocked you.

"I'm the boss's girlfriend and I have a headache so you need to quiet down and stop chasing Mikey." You snapped. He scoffed.

"You're perfect for Leo, you know that?" He growled. "You're both bossy, whiny bitches." You frowned and stormed off to yours and Leo's room, slamming the door. You sniffled and Leo looked up.

"Hey sweetheart what happened?" He said sympathetically as he hugged you.

"R-Raph happened. Apparently I'm a bossy whiny bitch." You pouted. He rolled his eyes and walked out to talk to him. You heard him yell. Ten minutes later, Raph came in to weakly apologize.


You and Leo were arguing because Raph decided to go topside without permission. You were defending him and Leo, of course, was getting irritated.

"Jesus! You are so uptight!" You yelled.

"You are such a bitch! No wonder Raph loves you so damn much" He yelled back in your face. "I'm so sick of you!" You frowned and tears threatened to leave your eyes.

"Okay.. Cool." You mumbled before walking to the kitchen.

"Oops." He mumbled, regretting what he said. Raph walked in angry and punched Leo in the arm.

"How about not taking to my girl like that?" He growled.

"Sorry dude." Leo mumbled. He spoke up a bit. "Sorry (Y/N)." You waved him off.

"Whatev I'm used to it." You sighed.


Raph was in one of his moods again. He was angry and mumbling to himself about Leo and Mikey. Donnie was in his lab trying to finish a project, and he needed absolute silence. Raph was about to pummel Mikey when you stepped in.

"Raph, calm down okay?" You said calmly. He huffed.

"He's fucking annoying!" He growled.

"Me and Annoying are just friends, thank you!" Mikey pouted. You giggled at his humor. Raph growled and pushed passed you, tackling Mikey.

"Raphael!" You hissed, attempting to pull him away. He growled at you and elbowed you in the stomach. You gasped and held your abdomen. He hit you really hard. You cried silently as you weakly made your way to Donnie's room.

"Darling what happened??" He asked, panicking.

"Raph hit me." You rolled your eyes. He sighed.

"Should I go try to beat him up?" He pouted.

"Nah baby it's okay. He's just angry at Mikey." You smiled.


You were hanging out with Donnie before Mikey woke up. You always thought Donnie was cool, and you always loved watching him work. He was currently working on some chemicals that are easily explosive. Giving all his attention to the substance, he accidentally grabbed the wrong mixture. When he poured it in, it started to bubble. You widened your eyes and gasped just before it blew up. Shards of glass flew around, luckily only one getting your arm. You yelled out and looked at the deep cut.

"Donnie!" You panicked.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry (Y/N)!" He gasped. Mikey came running in. He looked at your arm and dramatically gasped

"Angelcakes are you okay?!" He panicked.

"Yeah Mikey I'm fine. Donnie is gonna stitch me up. Just an accident is all, don't worry." You smiled through tears. He pouted. Donnie got out the stitching kit.

"But you're bleeding badly." He whined softly. You giggled.

"That's why he's stitching me up." You said. Donnie nodded.

"This might-- no this will hurt but hey at least it'll stop the bleeding!" He said awkwardly. You nodded.

"A-alright.." You sighed.  He started stitching you up and you squeezed Mikey's hand, biting your lip.

"Yay!!" You cheered happily as he got done.

(I know I know I'm so sorry that this sucks! It's difficult to write with a broken heart! You still love me right?)

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