He's A.. HUMAN?!

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"Anybody home?" You called out as you entered the lair.

"Come in!" You heard a scared voice from Leo's room.

"Leo are you oka-- AHH!" You screamed. There was no sign of Leo! Just a human!

"U-um.." he stuttered.

"Who are you?! Where's Leonardo?! Why are you NAKED?!?" you yelled at him.

"(Y/N)! It's me!" He said. You noticed Leo's eyes.

"L-Leo?" You gasped. "How are you a human and why are you naked?" You made the mistake of looking down. "Holy dick-- I mean holy shit!" You blushed dark. He looked down.

"O-oh my god I'm sorry!" He apologized and wrapped himself in a blanket, blushing horribly.

"What happened?" You asked as you examined him. He was even muscley as a human. He had messy dark brown hair. His eyes were still the same breathtaking eyes. He was 6 feet tall and extremely.. HOT.

"D-Donnie invented these bracelets that turn us human." He said.

"D-damn.." you bit your lip, looking at his toned body. He chuckled.

"Eyes are up here." He scolded playfully.

"Even better." You smirked, looking at his eyes. "I'll go buy you some clothes." You quickly pecked his lips 'goodbye' and left.


"BABE!!" Raphael yelled through the phone.

"What's wrong?!" You panicked.

"Just come quick!" He answered and hung up. You rushed over to see a human with black hair sitting on the couch wearing nothing but black boxers. You covered your eyes

"Whoa! Who are you?!" You yelled. The guy managed a familiar chuckle.

"Proud to see that my girlfriend doesn't wanna look at another dude half naked." He said. You looked at him as he smirked.

"Raph?!" You screamed. He nodded. "What the hell happened?!"

"I just woke up this way!" He shouted. You looked him up and down. He had those same green eyes. He had black hair. He was slightly tan. He was buff but not sickeningly buff.

"Damn Raph.  You're even hotter as a human." You smirked. He chuckled and stood up. He pulled you into a hug.

"And bigger too." He whispered in your ear. You shivered.

"Raphael!!" You laughed, blushing like crazy. He leaned down and pecked your lips, chuckling.


"It worked!" Donnie yelled. You didn't hear him since you had your headphones plugged in. You felt a FIVE fingered hand on your face. You slapped it away and snapped your head up. You glanced into the stranger's eyes.

"Donnie?" You tilted your head. He nodded.

"I've been working on bracelets that will turn all four of us into humans!" He explained excitedly.

"Where'd ya get the clothes?" You asked.

"I had April bring me some." He nodded.

"They suit you." You giggled. He smiled and you examined every inch of him. Messy light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Skinny. Tall. Muscled(is that a word?). Still has a cute gap tooth. Still extremely adorable in those glasses.

"Now we can actually go out and have fun, not in the shadows." He smiled. You smiled back.

"That's amazing Donnie!" You pecked his lips and he blushed. "I didn't think it was possible but you're even cuter as a human." He chuckled.

"I like this!" He said happily.

"I do too, but I love my turtle too so make sure he comes back." You pouted.

"Of course darling." He laughed.


You typed away at your computer when you heard light tapping on your window. You looked and saw a human. You gasped and grabbed your bat. You opened the window and swung the bat.

"Wait! Don't hurt me! Its Mikey!" He flinched and looked at you with wide blue eyes. You put the bat down.

"Mikey?!" You yelled. "How are you a human?!"

"Donnie made these sweet bracelets!" He said, showing you his orange bracelet. "Aren't I adorable?" You giggled.

"Yes you are Mikey." You giggled as you kissed his freckled cheek. You took in his human look. Long-ish messy red hair. Freckles. Adorable blue eyes. Cute smile. Niiiiice body.

"So? Whatdya think angelcakes?" He winked.

"I think you're... hot." You smirked.

"Aw shucks!" He blushed. You laughed as he climbed inside and pulled you onto your bed, holding you in his lap. He cuddled with you all day.

(YES he is clothed)

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