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Lisa returned to her penthouse and went in search of her best friend.

" Chaeyoung-ah, I brought food come here let's eat". Lisa yelled calling her best friend but the latter didn't step out of her room.

"Hey Chaeyoung, I know you just got back from your application, so come on out now!" Lisa calls her once more but there were still no signs of Chaeyoung.

Lisa sighs and decides to check their room after her best friend refuses to come out. She then learned that the lights had been turned off as soon as she entered their room.

" Chaeyoung-ah, are you already here?". Asked Lisa but then she heard a sniff so the tall woman immediately turns on the lights and there she saw her best friend sitting on the floor on her knees crying. Her eyes were swollen.

"What happened?" Lisa rushed over to her best friend and embraced her.

" Lisayah.. Is it wrong being gay?". Asked her crying best friend.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, Chaeng, who told you that?" She questioned.

"I- was selected as a model in Chanel, but as Miss Kim was about to leave, she noticed something about me and confronted me about my identity. She asked if I was gay, so I told her the truth. When she learned that I'm gay, she immediately replaced me and didn't give me a second chance." Chaeyoung sobbed, burying her face in the crook of Lisa's neck.

"Stop crying; there's nothing wrong with being gay; maybe that woman doesn't have a happy life, that's why she hates us and didn't I warn you not to go there because she's homophobic," Lisa reminded her best friend.

"I just want to be their model since I love their brand," Chaeyoung said as Lalisa cupped and caressed her face.

"There are plenty of companies that would go out of their way to hire you as their model. That Chanel? It's their loss that they gave you up," Lisa told her.

" But you will also work there as a photographer, she will surely hate you since you are also gay". Chaeng said.

"You really have the time to joke? Besides don't worry about me, I can handle her; her father hired me, not her."

"Plus, I promise to avenge you--OUCH!" Lisa didn't get to finish her sentence when Chaeyoung pinched her side.

" Don't silly, I don't want you to do that. Just work hard okay, and don't stress yourself. This ... You need to take care of this, I don't want you to leave me Lisayah". Chaeng pointed out Lisa's chest.

Lisa hugs her, "I promise, you're such a crybaby, and I don't want to leave you until you mature."

" Then I don't want to get matured Lalisa. I am willing to be a crying baby forever just as long as you won't leave me". Chaeyoung buried face to the latter's neck.

"You're so silly, I promise you that as long as I am here, I will protect you, okay?" Lisa said, and the woman with ashy purple hair nodded.

"All right, let's eat, I've got your favorites," She said, and Chaeyoung finally smiled. The former only wants the best for her best friend. After her parents, Chaeyoung is the second most important person in her life.

Lisa and Chaeyoung were both fourteen when their parents died. Chaeyoung's family car lost control and collided with Lisa's parents' car, killing both of their parents instantly; fortunately, she and Lisa survived

Instead of Lisa hating Chaeng since her parents were the cause of why she lost her own family, she felt sad for the girl as well. They promise that they won't blame each other and be the best of friends and look at each other back.



"I heard what happened earlier, Ruby Jane; why do you have to do that?" As soon as Jennie arrived home, a sermon immediately welcomed her.

"I'm tired, Dad, and I don't want to talk about it," She replied.

"When are you going to change, Ruby Jane? And please stop blaming every gay——Please stop, Dad, I've had enough! Jisoo had scolded me earlier, she had embarrased me in front of those models." Jennie cut him off.

"I heard that from Jisoo, and she just did the right thing." Mr. Kim retorted earning a disbelief look from her daughter.

"You're unbelievable." Jennie told her and walked away, and ignored her parents call.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with your daughter anymore," Mr. Kim admitted.

" Don't worry honey, you said Lisa will work tomorrow at Chanel right, I'm sure she can change Jennie. She can tame our daughter". Mrs. Kim stated.

"Yes, but I'm also concerned about Lalisa's health."

" I know honey but I'm sure Lisa can handle her and will be okay. Let's trust her, your homophobic daughter will change soon because of Lisa". Mrs. Kim smiled at her husband.

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