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I went to the studio to see Lisa and ask for some help but of course, it was a lie because the truth is I just want to be with her, however, she wasn't there anymore, I asked her team and they said that she was with Tzuyu. Hearing that woman's name made me mad.

I mean, as much as I would love to fire her, I can't do that since she didn't do anything to put the company's at stake, she's also a great model, I just hate her for taking my Lisa's time from me.

Yes my Lisa, I am now claiming her.

I am now here in front of her office and I saw that her door was slightly opened. I peeked to see Tzuyu who look seriously at Lisa, after that, I saw Lisa who composed herself then look straight into Tzuyu's eyes.

" Yes, I do, I do love----- Lisa?". I don't know why but upon hearing those words from Lisa's mouth my heart breaks. Is she confessing her love to Tzuyu? Suddenly I felt tears at the corner of my eyes as the woman I love was standing in front of the woman whom she loves.

" Nini?". She called me, why does every time she called me that name sends shivers down my spine.

I look straight into Lisa's eyes and as she was approaching me I immediately shook my head then run away from her.

I heard her calls my name but I ignored her, I press the button of the elevator and quickly went inside, I saw Lisa's running towards me and I prayed that she won't reach me and thank god the elevator door closes right on time.

Soon enough the elevator opened and I hurriedly went inside my car and drove fast not minding the tears that keep streaming down my face.

I hate myself, I hate that I lose against that woman. It was my fault anyway, I keep pushing Lisa away from me and I even treated her badly before and up until now, Lisa won't love someone like me.

I drove far from her, I didn't bother to drive at home because I don't want my parents to see my swollen eyes.

I went to my favorite bar and ordered a drink, I need this, I need to forget what I've seen earlier.

I am now in my fifth glasses of whiskey and I am still sober when there's a guy who approached me.

" Hi are you alone?". He asked.

" Do I look like I have someone with me?". I sarcastically told him but he just smirked at me.

" Would you mind me joining you?". He asked me again.

" No, I don't need company so get lost". I told him.

" Come on, I'm sure you'll gonna enjoy what are we going to do". He said then held my hand.

" Fuck you, get away from me!". I pushed him hard, however, he grabs my wrist and tightens his grip on me.

" Yah, let go of me you dickhead!". I yelled at her but he just ignored me, after that he starts to drag me from my seat.

" Don't be so stubborn sexy, I have rented a private room in here and I can take you to a magical world". He said, hearing that from him I know what he's meant to. I tried to pull away from his grip but I am no match against him.

I was also yelling asking for help but no one seems to hear me as they were enjoying the loud music at the bar.

" We're almost there". The jerk said.

" Let me go, please someone help me!". I keep shouting but no one hears me.

We are nearer to the room he was referring to when someone grabs my hand from him and my eyes widened seeing Lisa. She stared at me with full of worries then glare at the man who tries to do something bad at me.

𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐂 𝐂𝐄𝐎Where stories live. Discover now