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" Lisa, what are you doing here?". Doctor Lee asked me when I entered his office.

" Oh I just went to see Gabrielle, today's her surgery". I told him.

" Yes I heard about that" The doctor said and I just nodded my head.

" Where's your girlfriend, why she's not with you?". He asked me.

" She went to get some of her things in her place so I've decided to went here".

" Did you already tell them what you did?". He asked me and I just heaved a sigh.

" Are you thinking that they might upset on you?". He asked me again and I nodded my head.

" I'm afraid that I'll disappoint them for the decision I made".

"  Did you regret doing that?" Doctor Lee asked me and I quickly shooked my head.

" No doctor, I will never regret giving the heart to Gabrielle, she deserves that heart than me. She's still young and she has a long way to go. I don't want to be selfish knowing that a little kid will die while I get the heart that I've been wishing for." I stated.

" But that heart is for you, you have waited for more than four years to find a heart that matches on you but yet you gave it away". He said.


" Hello Doc, what's up why'd you call?". I asked doctor lee when she suddenly called me while I'm in the middle of the shoot.

" You need to be here Lisa, I have something to say to you". Doctor Lee said then hang up the phone.

" What could it be?". I asked myself.

I asked Somi to take charges since I'm heading to the hospital. I texted Jennie that my agency has called me and I will just go there, I put my phone inside my pocket not waiting for Jennie's response.

As soon as I've arrived at the hospital, I knock on Doctor Lee's office and when I heard him, I opened the door to meet him.

' I'm glad you came Lisa, I have good news for you". He excitedly said, doctor lee is like a brother to me, I can see that he really wants me to survive and I am very thankful to him for having a trusted doctor and at the same time a big brother to me.

" We found a heart that matches you Lisa, you'll live!". He smiled at me and hug.

Hearing him said those words made me happy.

" I'll live longer? I'm going to survive?". I asked and doctor lee nodded his head and smiling.

" Yes Lisa, you will". He said and that's it, I hug him then tears streamed down my face. All the worries and pain vanished inside me. I found the heart, I'm going to have a new heart and I will live longer.

I can't wait to tell Chaeyoung about this, I'm sure she'll gonna be happy.

Jennie still doesn't know my condition and I don't want to worry her anymore since I found the heart, I don't think she has to know my condition.

As soon as doctor Lee and I were done talking, I went out of his office to return to work and was about to call Chaeng when I heard a woman begging a doctor.

" Please! Please save my daughter, please she's still young she deserves to live please doctor I'm begging you!". The woman cried harder, my eyes widen when she begs on her knees, the doctor tries to pull her up but the woman remains on her knees.

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