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Jennie lay on her bed after a bath, she was staring at the white ceiling when then remembered the incident with Lisa at the coffee shop earlier.

She can't believe she invited the woman when in fact she hates gays, which Lisa is one

" You are just grateful for letting her drive you home Jennie, that's it. You still hate her presence". Jennie said to herself.

She did, however, recall Lisa smiling at her earlier at the coffee shop. She clutched her chest as she felt her heart race once more.

" What is going on with me? I really need to set an appointment with our doctor, this is bad". Jennie said to herself.

She grabbed her phone and dialed the physician's number. "Yes, I'd like to schedule a checkup with you for tomorrow, thank you." She said on the other line before hanging up.

"I'm going to find out tomorrow". She said to herself.

Jennie closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.



"Good Morning, Miss Kim." Dara, their family doctor, greeted her.

"Good Morning Dr. Park." She greeted back.

"So, let me check your vitals," the doctor said, sitting in front of her to check her vital signs.

The doctor also does a series of tests on her to make sure of her condition.

She returned after about twenty minutes, this time holding the results.

"It appears that you're doing fine Miss Kim; your vitals are all normal, and all of the tests I've performed yielded negative results." Dr. Park told her

" Are you sure? But why do I feel like my heart felt an irregular rhythm all of a sudden?". The feline asked her.

"Perhaps something happened recently." The doctor speculated.

"What? I'm not sure I understand you, Doc." Jennie said, looking puzzled.

"Can you tell me, Miss Kim, when you first felt this?" The doctor asked her.

"Just recently," Jennie stated unequivocally

"When was the last time you felt this way, and was it triggered by a specific event or people?" The doctor inquired once more. Jennie took a brief pause before responding.

"Last night, I honestly didn't know the reason behind it." Jennie replied.

"Was it painful when you felt it?" The doctor questioned her once more.

" No doctor, it's just that my heart speeds all of a sudden, it doesn't give me pain nor uncomfortable feeling tho, it gives me a good feeling all over my body, also I felt something in my tummy like this tingling feeling," Jennie stated and so the doctor nodded her head.

"Okay, Miss Kim, tell me who you last spoke to when you had this feeling, excluding me, of course." The doctor chuckled.

Jennie tries to recall the last person she spoke with, and there she remembered Lisa; remembering the photographer made her heart skip a beat. She clutched her chest unconsciously, drawing the doctor's attention.

"I bet you remembered something or should I say someone?" The doctor said with a smile.

"Lisa," Jennie said flatly, not looking up to the doctor's eyes.

"So it's Lisa then," Says the doctor, drawing Jennie's attention.

"Miss Kim, who exactly is Lisa to you?"

" She's our new director of photography that my dad hired, and I hate her because she's gay". The feline answered.

"But she made your heart skip a beat." The doctor shot back.

"What?" Jennie asked, confused by what the doctors had said.

"Dopamine is what you're feeling right now," The doctor says.

"The what?" Jennie asked in confusion

" Dopamine love Miss Kim, this reaction diverts blood to the essential organs such as your heart and away from others like your stomach. This triggers the heart to beat faster and that is why you can feel it pumping away when you are attracted to someone. Dopamine has links to feelings of desire and euphoria.". The doctor explains to Jennie and the feline was just speechless.

"So what are you trying to say? That I'm attracted to--

"Lisa" The doctor cuts her off and finishes Jennie's sentence.

"Yes, you are attracted to Lisa, and you are starting to like her," said the doctor.

"No way, I told you she's gay, and I hate her," Jennie retorted.

" Feelings can be changed Miss Kim, oh my gosh I feel like a love advisor here". The doctor chuckled.

"You see when I asked you about your feelings, you blurted out Lisa's name; I even asked you if something or someone made you feel that way, and you said her name; you're attracted to her, Miss Kim; try to analyze or monitor it in a couple of days when you're with her, and you'll understand what I'm trying to say," The doctor explained, leaving Jennie speechless.



Jennie was about to exit the elevator when she collided with someone; she almost fell, but a hand wrapped around her waist to catch her from the fall.

"Are you okay, Miss Kim?" Jennie heard a familiar voice and met a pair of hazel eyes.


"Miss Kim, are you okay?" Lisa asked her again, and that's when Jennie became aware of how close they were; their faces were only inches apart, and she could feel the former's warm breath.

"I-I'm fine." She replied which caused Lisa to release her grip on her waist.

"Okay, I'm glad to hear that," Lisa says, and Jennie tries to calm herself as the hammering sounds inside her chest intensify.

"I went to your office to discuss something, but Nancy said you hadn't arrived yet; now that you're here, I can finally discuss it with you, or would you like me to return later?" Lisa says as she was oblivious to Jennie's crisis.

"Y-yes, can you return later if that's okay?" Jennie stammered, looking Lisa in the eyes.

"Of course, Miss Kim, I'll be back in an hour, see you." Lisa agreed and entered the elevator, but before it closed, the former smiled at her, causing the CEO to gulp nervously.

When Jennie is alone, she clutches her chest, as her heart is pounding frantically after what happened.

" Oh no". She said to herself.

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