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     Noelle's POV

     When Niall came back outside I turned around to see him in a green short-sleeved shirt. He also wore a pair of high top converse almost identical to mine, but they were white.

     "You ready?" He asked.

     "For what? I didn't have anything planned out. I kinda showed up here on a whim." I said, hoping to God this wouldn't be awkward.

     "Yeah well, I have an idea of where to go so we're not just standing in the rain. Come on, follow me." He tilted his head towards the street as though to say 'this way'.

     "Okay. Let's go." I said, letting him take the lead. There was something about sneaking out of your house and being with a boy that felt so rebellious. But it's not like we're off to do drugs or anything, I hope.

     I wondered if he felt the same way; that sneaking out with a girl was rebellious.

     I had to move my legs fast because Niall was taller than me and he had bigger strides. He was breathing heavily, I'm guessing from the rain. As the night is carrying on, the temperature is dropping making the rain dramatically cooler.

     "So where are we going?" I asked looking at the side of his face. I couldn't help but imagine people looking out through their windows at us and thinking we're a couple.

     The thought of being in a relationship scared me, but only because I don't think I could be a good girlfriend. I don't think I'd be able to give the same affection back to the other person.

     "Somewhere I like to go at night sometimes," Niall answered.

     Niall's POV

     I couldn't believe I was finally gonna do this. I had only fantasized about taking her here for years. My pace was fast from excitement but I tried playing it cool. I side-glanced at Noelle to see her deep in thought. I wanted to know what she was thinking. I wanted to know everything about her.

     Earlier, when I heard the small knocks on the front door, I prayed that it was her, but I also prayed that it wasn't her. It's weird, I know, but I didn't want her in my house. It held too many bad memories and I felt that if I brought her inside, I would be bringing her into them. I also didn't want my brother or parents to find out I had a girl in the house. God only knows what would happen then.

     "Why are you awake," I heard Noelle's voice question me, "I mean, I know I'm awake too but... do you usually stay up this late?" She stutters a lot when she talks. It's not awkward stutters, but it's like she wants to say everything at once and it comes out choppy.

     "I couldn't sleep. And yeah, I usually stay up this late." I shrugged. I knew it was a lie but there was no way in hell I was going to dump my problems on her as soon as we start talking again.

      She nodded and went back to her thoughts. Our footsteps on the sidewalk grew clearer as the rain became less. There was still a good amount, but it was slowly dwindling.

     "If we're getting our questions out of the way, why were you laying in the middle of the road earlier?" I kept the ball rolling.

     She gave a deep sigh. "I couldn't sleep either. I thought the rain would help. I layed down because I was in the moment and I thought it would be fun." She said like it was no big deal. We looked at each other as we kept walking forward. Our eyes met and her brown eyes were like milk chocolate in the little moonlight that crept its way through the clouds. I looked down at my soggy shoes getting flustered by her face. I quickly brushed it off so she wouldn't notice.

     "Why do you always do that?" She asked. She noticed.

     "Do what?" I played dumb.

     "You always look down at the ground like you're embarrassed."

     "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied and raised my shoulders a little.

     "Don't give me that shit. I always saw you do it in the hallways," she said and I took a sharp breath in. I'd always wondered if it was my imagination, seeing each other in the hallways. She continued, "Is there something wrong with my face? Is it so bad that you can't look for too long or something?" I looked over at her and saw a smirk playing on her lips. She always was funny.

     "No no," I laughed, "to be honest with you, I don't know. I guess I just always thought that you didn't like me anymore."

     She stopped walking. "What? Niall, that could never happen. Yeah, we stopped talking, but that doesn't mean I don't like you anymore. You're a cool guy" she said punching my arm lightly and continues to walk.

     I know it's girly, but my heart melted when she said my name. It also fluttered when she said I was a "cool guy".

     "Well, I guess I was wrong then. Anyways, we're almost there." I said just as we were approaching the neighbourhood park. I dug my hands in the pockets of my sweats.

     I looked down at my feet and saw a puddle of water coming up. I smirked and looked at her to see that she was distracted by watching the trees behind the park. I took the chance and jumped into the puddle, landing as hard as I could. The water splashed all around me, getting on her already wet legs.

     Her jaw slightly dropped and she quickly turned her head to look at me. Her gaze went to my smiling face and the puddle under my shoes. A mischievous grin came across her lips.

     "Oh, so we're playing that game huh? You are so gonna get it." She started stomping in any puddle she could see. I joined her and we had a puddle splashing war like children in the playground.

I felt so worry-free. I couldn't help but smile and laugh, and these weren't the fake ones that I usually use, these were real. As real as the rain. As real as Noelle.

When I spotted a huge puddle, I went straight to it. I watched my shoes leave the ground and reconnect a few feet forward into the puddle. But as my white converse splashed the puddle, I saw a pair of black ones splash land in the same one. Black and white. I said in my head. I smirked at this and looked up at Noelle. She was looking at me as well.

She had a big grin on her face. She had crinkles around her eyes and it made me smile even more. We both breathed heavily from all the jumping.

Once we regained some composure, I grabbed her hand to pull her towards the place we were headed before the puddles. I've dreamt about the sparks that would fly when our hands touched, but in real life, it's so much better.

i hope you guys are doing well. Dont forget to vote! Feel free to comment your opinions!!!

If you live in America, and are a football fan, then you know the super bowl is coming up. It just so happens to be on my birthday. Ugh. STILL HOPE THE CHIEFS WIN THOUGH!!!

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