This song doesn't have a major role in this chapter but it's here if you want to hear what he's listening to :)

Edit: tell me if the video is there

Niall POV

I wanted to kiss her so badly.

Instead, I just let it go and said bye. I wasn't going to bombard her and do anything I might regret. I turned and walked to my porch, feeling her eyes on me. I didn't mind that she was watching. I was just happy that I finally got to talk to her again.

I hope this wasn't a dream. I hope she remembers as much as I remember when she opens her eyes in the morning. Like how our hands fit perfectly together, and how our shoes made black and white.

I marched up the steps and to the door. I put my hand on the handle but glanced over back to get one last look at Noelle. She was walking very slowly down the street. Her hair was still wet but most of the water had dripped out. Her large shirt clung to her skin. And her sport shorts were making themselves seen just below the hem of the shirt.

The house was still quiet when I went inside. No lights were on and I still heard the box fans going in the rooms. I looked at the microwave clock in the kitchen and saw 3:52 in neon green.

     I held my breath and tiptoed past the bedrooms, mine at the end of the hall. When I entered my room, I closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. I kicked my shoes off and hung my damp shirt on the edge of the laundry basket. I replaced my wet underwear with dry ones and my wet sweats with basketball shorts.

     I laid on my bed and let the thought of Noelle run wild in my head as I drifted to sleep happily.


Niall POV
     I woke up to the garage door opening and closing again. I groaned into my pillow and stretched my stiff limbs loose again.

     I got up, brushed my teeth, and went to the kitchen. I looked at the clock and saw that it said 10:02. My brother just left for work. I have the house to myself and I don't know what to do. I never know what to do.

     On days like this, I'd usually lay in my bed all day, but today I have a weird motivation to do something different. I kept the ball rolling and made myself a bowl of cereal.

     15 minutes later I was showered and dressed and heading out the door. I hadn't had that much energy to do anything in a while.

     Most summer days, I would wake up late, skip breakfast, lay in bed, maybe watch movies, then stay up late on my phone. I didn't mind it though. My room is my safe place. A place for me to enjoy myself without having to put on a show for everyone else.

     I was walking down the sidewalk with my earbuds in listening to Stand by Me by Ben. E. King on a low volume. The sky was clear and had only two little clouds blowing through the wind. The sun was shining onto the streets that still had some small puddles. I looked behind me, back towards the street in front of my house. That was where Noelle was laying in the rain.

     Song after song played while I was on my stroll. Listening to music made me feel. It was a thing that could take me out of reality and make me feel whatever the artist was portraying through the words.

In The Rain - A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now