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I hate to admit it but I rather enjoy Drake's presence. Not Tim, but his brother. There's something about Zach that is different than Grayson, Todd, and even Drake number one. I feel the same aura that I feel around Zach when I am around Bree. Something about them makes them different than anybody else and I intend to find out what.

"Alright, Damian. What do you need help with?" Tim asks in a bored manner.

"I need assistance with my math homework. Since you are a genius with math, I thought you could help." I stated. Zach eyed me for a moment.

"Just a sec, Tim. I want to talk to Damian." Zach said. He took me to his room and sat me down on his bed.

"Alright, Damian. Talk. I know you don't actually need help with homework. So what do you want?" Zach asked.

I was screwed. I'm surprised that Zach knows how to read in between the lines.

"You are right, Zach. I do not need help with homework because I am at the top of my class. However, there is something out of ordinary with both you and Bree. Also in Forrester. I feel this calming aura coming from both of you. And I do not feel it when I am around the others. Why is that?" I asked.

"Ah, I know what's going on. Damian, have you ever met a Christian?" Zach asked. I shook my head.

"I have heard of them, and how religious they are. They have certain standards and do not like doing what the average person does. Such as smoking, watching horror movies or watching that one Disney movie that Grayson enjoys, Moana." I said. As I said that, Bree walked in.

"Alright Damian. You're right about the things you said about a Christian. But there's more to it than just not doing what the average person does." Bree said.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, anyone can smoke, not just the average person. But anyone can choose not to, for health reasons. And horror movies scare the living daylight out of you. And that one movie, Moana, there's a very good reason why Christians wouldn't want to watch it." Zach said.

"Yeah, like the whole movie is based off of what Moana's people believe. How the world was created and Moana having to go return the heart of the creator of the world. For Christians, this bothers them. Why? Because they know it isn't the truth." Bree said.

"What do you mean? Do you mean to say that the world wasn't created by a giant lady?"

"Yes. The world was not created by a big bang or by evolution either. There is science to back it up and a book. This," Bree held up a book, "is a bible. It holds the creation story and tells why we have all these illnesses and death. It also tells us about the life of a very special man."

"Can you elaborate on this? In fact, why don't you read it to me?" I requested.

Zach and Bree smiled. Bree beckoned for me to come closer. Soon we were reading away.

"44 Now it []was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. 45 Then the sun was []darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in []two. 46 And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, "Father, 'into Your hands I commit My spirit.' " Having said this, He breathed His last.

47 So when the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying, "Certainly this was a righteous Man!"**

"Did they have to kill Jesus? He didn't do anything wrong! They should have killed Barabbus instead!" A hoarse voice cried.

"Tim, when did you get here?" Zach asked.

"I came after waiting an hour for Damian to come back. I heard everything. Now, did they have to kill Jesus?" Tim answered. He appeared to be crying.

"I'm sorry to say this but Jesus had to die. The only way for our sins to be cleansed was for a perfect, sinless body to shed blood. Jesus was perfect and sinless because he was God. He took the death that was meant for us so that one day we might be able to spend eternity with Him."  Bree explained.

"But that's just the first part. Jesus had to die, but he didn't stay dead. Three days later He rose from the grave and rose back into heaven to create a new heaven and earth for us. One day, Jesus will come back and only the people who have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, will be able to spend eternity with Jesus and God." Zach explained.

"But how do we accept Jesus?" I asked.

"There's a simple prayer you can pray to God. All you have to say is that you believe that all have sinned and are separated from God, the price for sin is death and hell, and the the Good News. The Good News is that Jesus paid the sin debt for all who will place the  trust in Him as Saviour. You must also ask God to forgive you of your sins and place your faith in Him." Bree said.

"Really? That's all that is to it? Can I do it now?" Tim asked.

"And me too?" I asked. Zach and Bree nodded.

"Dear God, I'm sorry for all the bad things I have done, I pray for forgiveness. I believe that Jesus is Lord and that He died for our sins. I know that I'm a sinner and would like to correct that. Please forgive me." Tim began.

"God, I'm sorry for all the people I have killed and all the mean words and thoughts I have said and thought. I believe that  Jesus died for our sins, so that we might live with your for eternity. I'm asking for forgiveness, and I wish to place my faith in you always. Please forgive me." I prayed.

"Amen." Both Tim and I ended.


"Now, all you have to do now is be baptized. Show the world that you belong to Jesus." Zach cheered.

"And you can continue to learn about Jesus and about God by attending church, and reading your bible and praying to God. We can help you." I added.

"Have you seen or read any books where a character says they had an empty feeling before asking Jesus in? I never really thought that was true but now...I feel like a new person!" Tim exclaimed.

Damian leaned over and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for sharing this with me. I feel like a new person and that I can start my life anew." Damian mumbled through my back.

"Of course Dami! It makes me happy that my brother is now a part of the Church, a child of God. I always dreamed of having this opportunity, and now I have." I said. We pulled apart.

"Do you go to church on Sundays? Is that why you always disappeared and came back late?" Tim asked.

"Yes. And now, I don't have to go alone! I have my three brothers to join me. WE can go this Sunday and every Sunday!" I chirped.

"That sounds exciting! I'm looking forward to it." Tim said. Damian nodded in agreement.

We talked and read more for hours. We were so deep in reading that none of us noticed Alfred slip in.

"Masters and Mistress. I advise you to be down in the Batcave before your father arrives in ten minutes for patrol." Alfred spoke, scaring the living daylights out of us.

"S-Sure Alfred! We'll be down right now." We all stammered.

Long story short, Dad wasn't really happy that we were late, but he didn't ask why. I wonder if he knows.

** The passage in the story comes from the Bible in the book of Luke, chapter 23 verses 44 to 47. If you would like to read the entire story, you can go to BibleGateway.com, and search Luke 23. The entire story of Jesus' crucifixion will be there for you to read. I recommend reading the story, to understand why Tim and Damian were upset. It's one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.

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