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"Why would you think of doing that?! Didn't you know how risky that could have been?! You could have died!" I screamed at Dick.

"Well, did you expect me to leave the electrum in my blood so that the Court would have a way to control me even after I had escaped?" He asked. 

"He has a point, Bree. And we need to remove the electrum from Zach and Katie before the Court has a chance to make a move." Dad said.

"Yeah, we know what we need to do with the Court and League problem. But what do we need to do to stop the other problem? The one with the organization?" Jason asked.

"Well, what do we know about the situation?" Stephanie asked.

"Alright. We'll tell you everything we have discovered." Tim said.

"So a little while ago, we started investigating the cold case of the deaths of our parents. We met up with some childhood friends. We asked what their jobs were. Turns out that our parents are still alive, and didn't die due to a homicide. No, actually, they're somewhere, working for this undercover organization, known as the Cavallone family." Zach explained.

"Wait, that family has an undercover organization? Since when? We've known that family for years!" I exclaimed, thinking of Fanny Cavallone, a classmate.

"Yes. They practice magic, and use it to brainwash victims. The victims are then forced to work for them, creating high tech instruments, both for destruction and civil use. And from what we saw, they plan to strike on many large businesses soon. They'll steal the employees and make them work for them. And here's the thing. The victims don't even know what happened. The Erby family has long been released from their work, for unknown reasons. But after talking with them, they didn't have a good memory of their time there, or if our parents were actually killed. So there is a possibility that our parents are still working for the Cavallones, and we need to rescue them." Tim continued.

"And do you have an idea of which businesses are going to be attacked?" Dick asked. Zach and Tim nodded.

"The following are going to be attacked, O'Conner Industries, Vixen Tech, Montgomery Inc., Sandsburg Co., Wayne Enterprises, Wayne Tech, Wayne Research, Wayne Security, Wayne Aerospace, Wayne Industries, Wayne Foods, Wayne Biotech, Wayne Medical, Wayne Electronics, Wayne Entertainment, Wayne-" Tim listed.

"Tim, we get it. They are going to attack all of the branches of our company. This needs to be stopped. But not until we remove the electrum from Katie and Zach." Dad interrupted.

Suddenly, we heard a loud crash from behind us. We all turned to see Chase, Titus, Ace and.....Zach's other pups?

"What are you doing here? Chase, didn't I tell you to keep them away?" Zach asked.

"I tried, but they kept asking questions so..." Chase trailed off.

"You told them, didn't you?" Zach stated. Chase sadly nodded.

"Ryder, how could you? How could you keep all of this info from us? Haven't we been together for a long time? Isn't that enough time for you to trust us?" Skye asked.

"I was going to tell you when the time was right."

"And when was that going to be? Never, right?" She shot back. Zach looked down.

"Ryder, we need to know these things! Otherwise how are we to help you?" Rocky said.

"Look, I didn't want to draw you into this. This is a matter between me and all of these people standing here. I didn't want you to be part of what is called the family." Zach tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" Rubble questioned. Zach stared at us for help. I spoke up.

"If you already know what's going on, then you should know that Ryder was sent to kill all of us. He didn't want you to be in the picture in case his masters come for him.  His masters will surely kill everyone if nothing is done to save Zach." 

"What do you mean by 'masters'? Ryder, I thought you were an orphan." Marshall said.

"He is an orphan and isn't at the same time. The masters we are speaking of are the Court of Owls and the League of Assassins. Two major groups that assassinate people to get their will done. Ryder and I was captured by them and now are forced to choose between a life and death situation." Katie said.

"Wait, the Court of Owls is a real group? Zach, you didn't tell me about this." Chase said.

"I did tell you this, when I told you my story, didn't I?" Zach said, uncertain.

"No, I don't think you did."

"Oh, right! I never did tell you!" Zach remembered.

"So those two years you were missing, you were with those two groups?" Chase asked. Zach nodded.

"Okay, is everyone clear on the situation? If you are then, some of us must start searching for a less painful way to remove the electrum. And the other half must find a way to stop the Cavallones from striking. If they are planning to strike on all of the branches of our company, then something must be done so that we don't lose all of our employees." I spoke up.

"Bree's right. It's getting late. We should all go to bed and rest. Tomorrow's Saturday, so we should use the day to find our solutions." Dad announced.

We all bid each other good night and departed for our rooms. 


After everyone had fallen asleep, I crept back down to the cave. I wanted to do some research. The name Cavallone seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

I quietly turned on the huge computer and typed on the keyboard. I was searching up the family members of that family.

Dang. That family has a lot of members, deceased and still alive. Plenty of the current kids attend Gotham Academy with us, in fact I have the middle girl in many of my classes.

The current Cavallone family has four kids, one in college, two in high school and one in middle school.

I spent hours in front of that bright screen looking for clues. I didn't find much, other than the fact that they are the owners of one of Gotham's largest companies.

Why is that name so familiar? If only my dad were still alive. I could ask him, but he's dead. Sometimes I miss him. He was all that I had until I met Bruce and the others. But he was Cluemaster, one of Gotham's many villians. 

I really shouldn't be missing that man. He spent hardly any time with me, due to his work as a bad guy. But the times he did spend with me were golden.

Aha! I found it! The clue I've been search for! Oh no. It can't be true! The reason why I remember that name is because I have Cavallone blood in me! I can't believe it! I really hope none of the current Cavallones know about me. If they do, I hope they don't recruit me to work for them. You know how it is. Darth Vader tells Luke that he's Luke's father, then tells him to join the dark side so they can rule the universe, father and son. But Luke doesn't want to and in the end Darth Vader turns to the light. Or like how Emperor Zurg tells Buzz that he's Buzz's father and tells Buzz to join him so they can rule the universe. Although, in that story, Buzz joins his father. I don't want that story to happen.

I closed all the windows and deleted the search history. Then I turned off the computer.  I looked at my watch to see that it was now 4 a.m. I had spent 6 hours on the computer! I started my research at eleven. I have to hurry to get to bed before Alfred or Bruce come down here. 

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