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Once I had woken up the next morning, I made my way down the steep and narrow stairs to the cave. I wanted to work on a few cases before I had to go to the office.

As soon as I had sat down in front of the Batcomputer, I noticed something was off. It seemed as though someone had been down here before me and had used the computer. They had tried to erase all evidence of their work, but must have forgotten the backup search history I had installed. I looked at everything that was searched.

So. Stephanie found out. She found out that she has Cavallone blood in her. How did I know? I'm Batman, and also I figured it out. Her great-grandparents are the deceased Franklin and Beth Cavallone. They are the ones who started the whole organization. The later family members carried it on.

How does Stephanie fit in the family if her father is Arthur Brown? Her great-grandparents had three kids, two girls and one boy. The youngest girl married a mister Oaken. That family had two kids, a girl and a boy. The girl married Arthur Brown and had Stephanie.

The Cavallones seem to have been born with the ability to practice magic, like the magic is in them. Almost like a metahuman, or Zatanna Zatara. There is a possibility that Stephanie has this power, and if her relatives know that she has their blood, they could try to coax her to join them. But, knowing Steph, she won't cave easily. She's taken a firm hold on her job as Spoiler, and has shown no interest in continuing her father's work. For that, I'm grateful. The years that Cluemaster had reigned were pure chaos. 

"Bruce, what are you doing up at this hour?" I heard Dick say. I turned in my seat to face him.

"Dick, when are you planning to return to Bludhaven?" I asked, avoiding the question.

"Possibly today, if it's possible. Why? You weren't planning on making me stay until the cases are cleared up, were you?"

"I had hoped that you would stay to help find a harmless yet effective way to remove the electrum." I stated. I heard him chuckle.

"Bruce, believe me when I say this, there is no other way to remove it except to reverse the process. I researched and tried plenty of different ways, but the only effective way is the painful way." Dick said.

"Well, then, would you be able to assist in the process? Mainly since you know how it was applied and how you removed it." I asked.

"Sure. But after that, you're on your own. I have to get back to Blud before Monday. My approved leave is ending on Monday, and if I don't want my boss to yell at me, I need to be there."

"I suppose we can manage without you. Is Jason leaving with you?"

"I don't know. He doesn't like Blud very much. He prefers Gotham, but he's legally dead, so he can't get himself a place." Dick replied.

"Now, I never said that I didn't like Blud, Dick. All I said is that I don't like living with a child who was conceived by a unicorn and a Carebear." Jason said walking up.

"Who is this child?" I asked, fully knowing that Jason was referring to Dick.

"It's Dick!" He exclaimed. Dick scowled and swung his arm to punch Jason.

"Why do you keep insisting that?! I had human parents, dummy!" Dick screeched.

"Why do you act like a bundle of incessant joy and energy?" Jason retorted.

"That's just who I am?" Dick said, but his answer came out as a question.

"Whatever. I'm going to help Alfred with breakfast." Jason said and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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