Skipping School

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Gracie's POV (age 8)

"But I don't wanna go!" I whined as Jay tried to encourage me to get dressed for school,

"This isn't up for discussion Gracie, now go get ready or you can go in your pyjamas" he threatened. I whined once again at my mistreatment but was cut off by Jay "Now Gracie!" This was so unfair! Kids shouldn't be forced to go to school everyday, it's child cruelty! I begrudgingly put on my pink leggings with a black and white spotty t-shirt and stomped back in to the kitchen,

"Happy now?" I asked with a frown, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Go brush your hair" he instructed with an unimpressed eyebrow raised "and Gracie" he shouted stopping me in my tracks "drop the attitude" he warned as I turned around rolling my eyes so he couldn't see.

After some more fighting from me and a lot more threats from Jay we were now in his truck on our way to school, aka hell. I had a plan though! I would get out of the car and wait for Jay to drive off, and then I would sneak back out of the school and go to the park across town! It will be fine as long as I'm back outside the school gates by home time! We pulled up outside of the gates and I kept up the grumpy act and huffed,

"Come on Gracie, it isn't that bad" he encouraged "it will be the end of the day before you know it" I nodded my head in an attempt to agree as Jay leant over and gave me a brotherly kiss on the head, "go on, get going or you'll be late" he urged as I jumped out of the car and slipped on my purple unicorn backpack. I sadly waved at my brother from the gates and watched with a mischievous grin as he drove away. Yes! Step one complete! Now just to get away from school without anyone spotting me which shouldn't be too difficult as most of the students had already gone in and the teachers were preoccupied with other things. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear before making a quick dash out of the gates and down the road.

I had successfully made it to the park after getting lost a coupe of times! It's the first time I've ever been on my own so I was having to walk here by memory! It turns out that the park isn't much fun on your own. I had been down the slide more times than I could count, I couldn't go on the seesaw on my own and the swings and roundabout were useless without Will or Jay here to push me. My thoughts were interrupted by a rumble in my stomach telling me that it was time for food. I looked around and noticed a picnic table on the edge of the park and decided that would be the best place to eat my lunch. I made my way over to the table and took out my lunch box from my bag examining it's contents: a ham sandwich, an apple, a yogurt, an oat cookie, cucumber and carrots and a juice box. Ugh, Will must have packed it. He always gives me healthier food whereas Jay would put things like potato chips and cookies in there, which if you ask me, is a much better option!

I tucked in to my ham sandwich, unaware that a certain firetruck had just pulled up across the road.

Casey's POV

We were driving back from a small fire incident when I noticed a child sitting alone at a picnic table in the park. There was no one around so she was definitely alone, "Hey Cruz" I called "Just pull over here for a second" I instructed as I was sent weird looks from the rest of the truck,

"what are you doing Casey?" Severide asked as he walked round to my door, obviously pulling over when they saw us, I gestured over to the small girl sitting at the table,

"That kid, she's alone" I stated as I jumped out of the truck. Kelly frowned,

"You sure?" He asked hesitantly,

"Yeah, there's no one around, shouldn't she be in school anyway?" I asked in confusion as Kelly checked the time,

"It's only the middle of the day" Kelly pointed out to me, "Lets walk over there and see" he suggested. I nodded as we began to walk towards the girl. As I got closer her face began to become much more recognisable and I stopped,

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