ladrien || 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞

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Pitter patter...plop plop...pitter patter...

The cold raindrops fell onto the cement buildings as Ladybug swung from rooftop to rooftop. "Hup!" She inhaled, mustering her strength, and began to loosen her yo-yo string. She was preparing to jump onto the roof of a nearby building.


Her foot slipped, and...oh God...she lost her sense of balance. "Oh shoot-" She fell, bending her ankle in a precarious position that couldn't possibly be comfortable.

"Crap!!" She inhaled sharply, wincing. She dug her fingernails into her palms to try to distract herself from the pain.

'What to do, what to do?!?'  She thought frantically, glancing around. "I could use my Lucky might have something to help me..." She contemplated out loud, but decided against it. She had already been transformed for a while, and her superpower might make her detransform immediately after use.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain blonde sunshine child was texting on his couch when he saw a flash of red collapse onto the building next to his window.

"Huh-?" He asked, standing up and peering outside the window into the gray, rainy night. There, sat Ladybug, looking very distraught. Her ankle was bent in an odd position, her face pinched with what he could only assume was pain.

"Plagg, it's Ladybug! She looks hurt!! Shoot, what do I do?!" Adrien exclaimed nervously, turning to his onyx-colored kwami.

"Help her, I don't know, kid!" Plagg grumbled sarcastically, downing another piece of Camembert.

Adrien quickly opened his window. "L-ladybug?" He called out.

The heroine immediately looked up. 'Oh's Adrien!! I'm so embarrassed...Ladybug, the heroine of Paris, slips up!! That'll be headlines!! He probably thinks I'm some clutz who can handle anything!!!'

"Uh...y-yeah, it's me...I slipped when I was coming down from swinging...I think I hurt my ankle." She gritted her teeth, and confessed sheepishly.

"Well...u-uhm...try swinging to my window. I'll get my medical kit, okay?" Adrien contemplated.

Ladybug shakily exhaled, but complied. "I'll try..." She grabbed her yo-yo and threw its top to the edge of his window, and muttered, "Here goes nothing," and pulled; sending herself towards the open window.

Adrien quickly moved aside to let her pass through, and she swung through the window, snapping her yo-yo closed simultaneously. In that second, Adrien realized she couldn't land on her ankle without resulting in pain; so he tensed up and caught her in midair.

Him, being used to catching people as he was a superhero himself, set her gently down. Ladybug was surprised he was able to, but didn't question and gratefully accepted the gesture.

"May I?" She asked quietly, gesturing to the couch. "O-oh, of course," Adrien facepalmed. She giggled, and mustered strength to limp over to his couch and plop down.

"I'll go get my medical kit, wait tight for a minute," Adrien smiled and went to his bathroom drawer which held the kit. He shut the door, and Plagg flew out of his jacket pocket.

"Well, gee, your lady's in a bit of predicament." The kwami commented, flying in loops. "I'm not sure if I'll have anything that will be greatly of use, but it might work for the time being..." Adrien muttered, searching in the red pouch.

He found medical tape and gauze, as well as an Aspirin. "This should do." 

He made his way back to Ladybug, and he showed her the items. "I think this will be good, are you allergic to Aspirin?"

"Oh..n-no.." Ladybug blushed, extremely grateful he cared. 'Adrien's so thoughtful...'  She mentally swooned. 'NO!'  Then she mentally facepalmed. 'No acting like Marinette!! Be gracious!!'  She commanded herself.

"Adrien, thank you so much, you really didn't have to do this." She spoke clearly.

Adrien gently took her leg, and began wrapping it with the tape and gauze. "Come on, mil-" He paused, almost slipping up. "Ladybug. You know that you help Paris more than we could ever repay you. Let me help you for once.." He sighed, looking up at her.


It was almost like something was taking over both of them. Ladybug couldn't bring herself to look away from peridot green eyes, and Adrien from her bluebell pair. It was like an electric current, unbreaking and powerful.

But, of course, it had to end sometime.

Adrien finished wrapping her ankle, and found a glass of water. He handed her the medicine. Gulp. Ladybug downed the water and the pain-relieving pill.

Adrien drummed his fingers on his knees, sitting next to her. Ladybug began to blush again, as did he. They both looking away, not sure what to do or say.

But Ladybug's earrings spoke first. Beep. Beep. Beep. They chimed, signaling her near-detransformation.

" know what that means." Ladybug began to stand up, but Adrien put his arm around her and helped her up. "Let me help you..." He smiled, and they walked together to the open window.

Ladybug put her hand on her yo-yo and turned to go, but not before saying: "Thank you, Adrien. You're extremely throughtful and I-"

And then she paused. 'Were you seriously about to say "I love you"?!?'  She asked herself. But she knew she should wait. That would be ridiculous, right?

"Thank you once again. Have a good night!! Bug out." She smiled, and winked, doing her usual salute. She threw her yo-yo, and swung off carefully.

"Bye, see you!" Adrien called to her.

-the next morning-

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"


"Marine-" Miss Bustier asked for the third time.

"Here, here!!" Marinette quietly opened the door, a contrast to her usual bursting open the door and clumsiness. 

The class turned and looked at her, as she was acting different. She looked the same, except she had a wrapping of white tape around her right ankle.

She walked to her seat next to Alya, and Adrien could have sworn he saw a faint limp.

"What happened, girl?" Alya asked, and Nino and Adrien turned in their seats to listen.

"O-oh...I just sprained my ankle, it'll take a week to heal, likely." The noirette sheepishly sighed.

"You know, I'm surprised that with your clumsiness you haven't hurt yourself earlier. But don't worry, Clumsinette, I've got your back." Alya playfully nudged her best friend, and Marinette giggled. 

"Thanks, Al." She smiled.

The two boys exchanged looks. "Huh." Nino said, "Hope you feel better soon, dudette." And he went back to work. 

"Thanks, Nino." She smiled.

"I hope you feel better soon, too, Marinette, I'll help in any way possible." Adrien said, smiling to the girl.

"O-oh...t-thanks...Adrien..." Marinette blushed and stuttered, per as usual.

Adrien turned back to work, but not before thinking, 'Isn't that odd...I mean, Ladybug just sprained her ankle, and now Marinette? Those two should really be more careful.'

After class, Alya helped Marinette to limp to her next class. Adrien watched her go. 'Huh...what the coincidence...'

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