Midoriya Izuku: Origin (Part 2)

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(AN- I want to add a trigger warning here for bullying, suicide baiting, suicidal thoughts, panic attack, and the breif mention of abuse and hate crimes. Please be safe<3)


Midoriya was glad that everyone accepted him for who he was after they found out he was once quirkless. Well, mostly; he could feel the glares given to him by Endeavor, though he knew deep down that most of them wouldn't care about him if he was still quirkless. He knew they only cared for him now that he had a quirk, because even if they said they felt sorry, he knew they wouldn't blink an eye if he was still quirkless.

Because quirkless was useless. And that was that in their society.

He also knew that not everyone would hate him. He was pretty sure if he was still quirkless a few people would still care. He knew most of them wouldn't be outright rude to him, but he also knew they probably wouldn't intervene if they saw someone being rude or bullying him. Maybe a few, like Shinsou who also faces discrimination, would help him, but Midoriya was fairly certain that most of his classmates would just look the other way.

He knew Eri wouldn't judge him either. She was too much of a loving person to hate him, but she also wouldn't understand at her age and with the extent of what she knew. She was only taught things about the world until the time her quirk came in. She never had the chance to learn anything when she was with Overhaul. With that in mind, it was no surprise when she was a bit behind in her schooling than other kids her age.

Midoriya wasn't sure about Aizawa. He was pretty sure he wouldn't care, and would treat him like any other civilian. Aizawa fights basically quirkless himself, which is a main reason that Midoriya had so much respect for his teacher. He suspected that he also faced discrimination for having a 'villainous' quirk when he was younger, so he could predict that Aizawa's reaction would probably be similair to Shinsou's if he saw him getting bullied.

But that was so few people that would even treat him as a normal person. They only care now that he has a quirk. Sure they say that they accept him, but when it came down to it, did they really? If he still didnt have a quirk would they stand up for him? Would they even want to be his friend, or talk to him?

He wasn't so sure they would.

Why was society like this now. He remembered everything that happened to him. The bullying and abuse fron his classnates and fellow peers. People who knew him that would glare at him in the streets. He remembered how he wasn't even treated like a human person. Which of course he thought was stupid, considering that he was technically more human than all of them. 'People need to remember that quirks aren't technically natural. They were a random mutation that spread throughout people.' Midoriya thought.

It was annoying. The society he lived in was so biased about quirks and quirks status. Those with strong quirks were just worth more in their society. The stronger the better. The weaker ones were worth nothing, and those without were even less.

Midoriya sighed as he waited for the rest of the break to end. He knew what was coming next and wasn't fully prepared for it. He refused to meet the eyes of anyone in the room. His mother has long since gone back to her seat, but the theatre remained mostly quiet, aside from a few conversations between peers. He knew that it was only because they wabted to know how he had a quirk now. It wasn't very uncommon for a quirk to manifest late, but it almost unheardof for a doctors diagnosis of quirklessness to be incorrect.

'Of course,' Midoriya thought, 'it wasn't wrong.' Midoriya could feel the glances of his confused classmates, as well as his teachers, (the ones who don't know about OFA), as they tried to figure out how he had a quirk now.

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