Alfie Solomons-bread.

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Y/n pov.

I stand in the long line of people waiting to get interviewed by Mr. Solomons.

Im Thomas Shelbys oldest friend. We met in the war. We were both tunnlers and I saved his life when a bomb was throw in one of the tunnels.i shielded his body with mine so he wasn't inured but I was, I had a bunch off deal cuts to my back meaning it was agony whenever I moved but Tommy got me out of there. He dragged me out singlehandedly and took me to saftey while a medic was on his way. A few weeks later I got discharged and Tommy was the first face I saw. He thanked me and promised when the war was over he would make sure I had a reward. I told him i didn't need one as long as we stayed friends. And we did, to this day we are non blood related brothers. He told me to get a job as a 'Baker' in Camden Town.

"NEXT LAD! " a voice calls. I walk into the office nervously. A buff man with a big beard and brushed back hair sits at a desk with a skinny boy beside him.


"y-y/n y/l/n" I say playing with my suit sleeves. The man looks up at me and looks me up and down and smiles a little.

"y/n y/l/n. Profession?"

"h-head Baker" Tom told me that me and Billy Kitchen were head bakers.

"head Baker" he repeats and writes it down.

"fill this out."he says placing a sheet of paper down making me reach for it. He looks at my fucked up knuckles. He moves his glasses to get a better look.

" what happened to you, eh?"he asks as I take the paper.

" a-a fight."

"did you win?" he asks with a small smile.

"he was knocked out so, I-I guess" he grins and nods.

"good lad" I nod with a small blush as the young boy throws me an apron.

"t-thank you" I say before walking out.

"he's cute" I hear Mr Solomons say as I walk down the hall.


"all right boys. You've now been enrolled as bakers in the Aerated Bread Company of Camden Town. If anyone asks, that's what you do" Tommy tells all the 'bakers' in the large hall.

Im at the side because I already know this since Tommy already told me personally. He just needs me to be an inside man to make sure everything goes smoothly.

"your bakers. The Coppers in Camden Town are on our side, but North or South, you show them that piece of paper. Tell them you've come down from North to Find works, to break strikes. Tell them your fascists, if you have to. We're finding lodgings for you, but for now you'll sleep here in the bakery-apart from y/n who is an exception"Tommy points to me. "he stays with us. Okay?and Anyone who has a problem can speak to me."

"but don't touch any of the bread. It'll most likely explode. Any questions?" a man puts his hand up. "yes?"

"I haven't even seen any bread" he says making everyone laugh. I just roll my eyes and mutter. "twat"

When the laughing dies down Mr. Solomons walks over to the man and gets all in his face silently. After a few tense seconds he takes his walking stick and hits the man beside the joker as hard as he can making him fall to the floor passed out.

"he'll wake up. Granted, he won't have any teeth left, but he'll be a wiser man for it. And the last thing he will remember is your funny little joke. Won't he?" he whispers in the man's face.

I look at Tommy who is smirking as Alfie threatens the man. He looks at me and winks making me smile a little.

"RIGHT!" Alfie screams making everyone flinch. Everyone except me and Tommy. "there are fucking rules here. Yeah, there are fucking rules for a fucking reason. Quite simply, they have to be obeyed, alright. Rule number one. The distinction between bread and run, yeah, is not DESCUSSED!"

Alfie walks around the room as he speaks. He glances a few times at me making me avert my gaze while holding back a smile.

"rule number two. Anything, right, that your superior officer says to you or any of your other fucking superior officers say to you, yeah? NOT DISSCUSED!"

"rule number three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, I don't care. For the rest of your miserable fucking measly lives, yeah? Because I, like you, am also a complete fucking sodomite. Jewish women. You do not go anywhere near them because Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu. I think that's fair. All right, that's it, yeah. Forgive me, I interrupted you"Alfie stands back beside Tommy as the men stand in shock from what just happened.

"pick him up."tommy says to the jokestir talking about the passed out man on the floor. He then walks over to Billy Kitchen and whispers something to him.

Tommy beacons me over so I do. He puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles at me.

" your doing good, y/n. Your doing good"

"thanks, Tommy. Quick question"


"you said I was sleeping somewhere else. Where would that be?" he smirks a little and nods his head towards Alfie who is walking towards us.

"you will be staying with Mr. Solomons for a while then your coming back to Small Heath" Tommy says.

"oh,okay" Alfie holds his hand out for me to shake so I do.

"hope you like jaz. I play it at night to help me sleep" he says making me nod.

"I like jaz" he grins and nods.

"everyone likes jaz. Can you dance?"

"I don't thin-" I get cut off by Tommy

"he dances all the time. You dance with Arthur, with Finn even Aunt Poll"

"i look forward to it" he winks at me making me blush as he walks away

"listen I can tell you like him but ill tell you this. When you like Alfie Solomons you will be heart broken. But as usual, lucks on your side. I think he likes you too. Which means your gonna enjoy your time as a Baker" Tommy says with his hand on my shoulder. "I gotta go"

"okay, I'll phone you tonight. Tell everyone I'm asking fir them"

"will do. Bye" he waves as he leaves me in the room a blushing mess.

"fuck yes" I do a little happy dance before fixing my hair and walking out where I'm needed.



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