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y/n pov.

my names is y/n y/l/n and i work for Thomas Shelby as his personal butler.

i first stared working here about a year ago. i got kicked out of my house by my junkie father and since my mother died a few years ago i had nowhere to go. i had been a waiter at a resteraunt and and i was basically a slave for my father so i could be a maid no problem. my friend told me about the job for mr. shelby and said i should go for it. i did and later the same day he hired me saying there was something different about me. a few months in and i got promoted from maid to butler, then butler to cheif butler then finally. his personal butler. we got closer and closer...and closer. we then started catching feelings for each other. we spoke about Grace and how he never truley felt right with her. when one of the other maids heard us banging in his bedroom she entered becuase thats the fucking slut she is. when she saw he was fucking me she ran out and thretened to call the police but Tom thretened her and we agreed he would find a new woman to 'love' so we could still be together. but Thomas always has a plan so he started 'liking' the russian duchess. she would come over a lot and practically moved in and even worse...she insisted that she would not only sleep in Tom's bed-which he said was also mine! she also wants me to be her personal butler too! every chance he gets Tommy shows me as much love as possible. he takes me out on the horses or lays with me in bed just talking about anything we can, we occasionally fuck if we have time but we just love being ourselves around eachother. no'yes sir' 'no sir' or Tom ordering me around. even though he hates it.

 but tonight was different. the duchess was over again and i get woke up at 2 in the mourning by a maid saying they asked for me. 

i got changed into my suit still half asleep and go down the many, many stairs.

The sight shocked me...


Thomas pov.

as i lay in bed beside the duchess all i can think about is y/n, its been months and we still need to keep up the act of me being with the russian princess with y/n as my butler instead of butler.

I had a huge night planned but the Duchess insisted on staying the night.

I smoke my cigerette slowly as Tatiana sat at the bottom of my bed wearing just her underwear. I dont like lying to peope-well i do, its just that y/n thinks it wrong-but Tatiana is a fucking phsyco so i could care less.

"This is not your bedroom" she says in her thick accent. "This is not where you slept with your wife"

"Do you ride horses?" I ask completely ignoring her comment. I wonder what y/n is doing right now. Probably sleeping...if only it was with me.

"No. I would need to open my legs in a public place and that is not allowed." she says jumping off my bed and walking around a bit.

"Do you drink whiskey?"

"No. It tastes like men" she takes my coat off the bed and wraps it around her half naked body with a sly smirk. "I prefer wine"

"Cars?" I ask. Most people would be great full to talk with me but the duchess is a stuck up bitch so she doesn't care. Y/n cares, he reminds me everyday how thankful he is that we are together and that we can be ourselves with one another.

"No." She doesn't like anything.

"So, diamonds are your only love, eh? Sapphires."

"They're just a currency."

"Well, you know, if it was he who had all them jewels...i think i'd just sit with them...look at them...touch them"

As i talk Tatiana sits beside my legs with hers spread towards me.

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